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Homemakers United Foundation

Huang, Shu-De

Chief Director of Homemakers Union Co-op

  • Volunteer for Homemakers United Foundation, the biggest anti-GMO organization in Taiwan
  • Bachelor’s Degree of Public Health in Michigan University

What is synthetic biology?

"One of the applications of synthetic biology is genetic engineering. In my opinion, individualized and specified applications such as gene therapy is a great use of this technology. Yet if synthetic biology is used on the public or in an open environment, I will be concerned about the genetic exchanges with wild type organisms."

What do you think of "HOPE"? Are you willing to use "hope" to prevent cavities if our project has been realized?

"Since dental techniques cannot catch up the rapid advancement of the economy, and that children in Taiwan are in easy access to sweets, kids have a higher rate of cavities than other parts of the world. HOPE might just be the answer for this problem."

"HOPE has promising effects to our world. However, your team should be aware of the different microflora in children and the elderly. You guys can come up with an idea to make HOPE applicable to both age groups."

Fighting for one’s belief

Chief Director Huang could have stayed at home comfortably, yet she chose to have several meetings per week only to fight for her belief. She has made great efforts in promoting organic foods. We could even see sparks of delight in her eyes when she proudly introduced their organic moon cakes!

It was our honor to have a discussion with her. She has inspired us to improve our project and make the world a better place.

"The strength of a nation derives from the integrity of the home." -Confucius