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Over 90% of human population is troubled by caries, the notorious issue bothering an individual ever since childhood. Furthermore, if we overlook these tooth decays, serious problems such as halitosis and periodontal diseases often ensue. In the past, well-known ways to prevent caries include brushing one’s teeth and applying fluoride. However, aren’t these irritating and tiresome? Indeed. So, to solve this issue, we decide to formulate the perfect plan to defeat tooth caries. Moreover, we’ve focused our subjects of study on the elderly, the disabled, and the underprivileged, all of whom require long-term care or lack economic resources.
For years, dentists and researchers all over the world have been searching for the right answer. To tackle this problem effectively and holistically, NYMU_Taipei will become the beacon of light as we plan to create sustainable auto-adjusting bio-drugs, helping everyone maintain their oral health.