Living organisms can be manipulated genetically so they obtain specific characteristics. Such modifications
of organisms are obtained by inserting genetic material from other living
Marshall, S: Genetically Modified Organisms and Food. Nutrition & Food Science, 1994.94:1,4-7.
A genetically modified organism (GMO) is associated with uncertainty by
Mehta, M.: Public perceptions of genetically engineered foods: “Playing God” or trusting science Risk. Health, Safety and Environment, 2001. 12,205–220.
Consequently, many countries have strict regulations or laws against use of GMOs or both. The European Union particularity tend to have strict regulations regarding
Davison, J.: GM plants: Science, politics and EC regulations. Plant Science, 2010. 178,94–98.
Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 September 2003 concerning the traceability and labelling of genetically modified organisms and the traceability of food and feed products produced from genetically modified organisms and amending Directive 2001/18/EC (Official Journal L 268, 18/10/2003 P. 0024 – 0028)
In Africa regulations of GMOs are also strict although GMOs have great potential in relation to food and
Paarlberg, R.: GMO foods and crops: Africa's choice. New Biotechnology, 2010.27:5,609–613.
The regulations of GMOs in Africa are based on the consumers perception’s, rather than on health and food safety, which
C.D and Marx, G.M.: The implications for mandatory GM labelling under the Consumer Protection Act
in South Africa. Food Control, 2013.31:2,387–391.
Manipulation of living organisms gives rise to questions of the public whether the interest of the
GMO seems profitable or not. One of the central questions, which has given rise to public debate
is whether scientists pretend to be God by constructing
Mehta, M.: Public perceptions of genetically engineered foods: “Playing God” or trusting science Risk. Health, Safety and
Environment, 2001. 12,205–220.
But what role does the scientist play in the debate?
Studies suggests that individuals with lower levels of scientific knowledge are equivalently skeptical towards science. Source: Einsiedel, E.F.: Mental Maps of Science: Knowledge and attitude Among Canadian Adults. Int J Public Opin Res, 1994.6:1,35-44. (Link) Lack of scientific knowledge indicates a necessity of dissemination of research done by the scientists. Especially research of genetically modified food is dependent on the applications in society. This is emphasized by the distinction between the use of GMOs in agriculture compared to the production of pharmaceutics, which has been described by C. Marris in her article about public views on GMOs. Source: Marris, C: Public views on GMOs: deconstructing the myths. EMBO reports, 2001.2:7,545-548. (Link) This means that people are more likely to accept GMOs if they recognize an effect of a product, which is a well-known property of pharmaceutics. It is therefore important to include the public in the laboratory work in hope of preventing the linkage between synthetic engineering and insecurity. Thereby, it is important that a scientist does not become ignorant to this reality but rather aims at converting science.What is the status in an already established world?
Many people living in Sub-Saharan Africa remain poor and insecure as result of low labor and productivity. Given that these populations depend on agricultural products as potato and maize, a solution to the low productivity seems essential. Source: Paarlberg, R.: GMO foods and crops: Africa's choice. New Biotechnology, 2010.27:5,609–613. (Link) Furthermore, poor nutritional status remains low because maize does not cover the recommended diet of a human being. Source: FAO/WHO/UNU, expert consultation: Protein and amino acid requirements in human nutrition. World Health Organization,2007.935,1-265. (Link) Genetical engineering of living organisms offer infinite possibilities of reducing starvation in the world. Source: Marshall, S: Genetically Modified Organisms and Food. Nutrition & Food Science, 1994.94:1,4-7. (Link) Although the developed part of the world have the resources to help populations suffering from under- nutrition or malnutrition or both, it is worth acknowledging how the help appears to others.In relation to the strict GMO regulations in Europe, one might reflect upon the justice of offering GMOs as food supplement to the underdeveloped countries. In addition to this, it is worth considering how the regulations of GMO in developed countries influence governments of third world countries. Source: Paarlberg, R.: GMO foods and crops: Africa's choice. New Biotechnology, 2010.27:5,609–613. (Link)
Due to above-mentioned, Due to above-mentioned, it might be worth considering improvements of legislations concerning the use of GMOs in relation to agriculture in European countries.
How will the match of expectations evolve when new proposal meets an established world?
Another consideration approaches the Another consideration approaches the morals of offering GMOs to people who have limited access to food to begin with.First of all the finances relies on investments from nongovernmental organizations or benefactors or both. The motive for this comes of the minimal output that is associated with relief aids, which is not beneficial from the perspectives of the industrial world. Secondly, there is a risk of violating the right to choose as an individual when the alternatives to GMOs are limited. The fact that the people in focus do not have alternatives to begin with could on the contrary support the application of GMOs.
Unlike, starved sections of the population, the ethical concern of offering GMOs is not whether it is unfair to offer without alternative nutritional choices. In this case, it is rather the application, which is pivotal. In this context, it is decisive to aim at integrating the GMOs in the gastronomy that already exists, as the two nutrition experts also states an expert opnion. But, will the population of developing countries necessarily have a positive view on an initiative such as this coming from the developed countries?
Would it be an ethical issue to eat genetically modified bacteria?
One question in our questionnaire was: Would you eat GMO or food produced by GMOs? Possible answers
were yes, no, maybe, I don’t think so, and I don’t know. We received a total of 259 answers; 43.66 % yes,
8.11 % no, 33.98 % maybe, 8.11 % I don’t think so and 6.18 % I don’t know.
As mentioned above, GMOs are organisms where the DNA has been modified; some people might even
say has been tampered with. It is important to notice, that not everyone is familiar with the procedure of
genetically modification, and this perhaps leads to skepticism or the development of fear for the unknown.
But is it only the ignorance which means that people are hostile to GMOs or what else is the reason why
16.22% of the surveyed maybe or for sure see an ethical issue in eating genetically modified bacteria.
Maybe it is even the opposite, that people does know a lot about GMOs, and that they are afraid of the risk
and hazard, that is enclosed in genetically modification. Maybe those people would change their minds, if
they can be guaranteed that the system is safe, for humans and for the environment.
Life is full of daily risks, which have to be counterbalanced against each other and potential benefits. Studies have shown that policies continue to be based on false believes about the public opinion in
Marris, C: Public views on GMOs: deconstructing the myths.EMBO reports, 2001.2:7,545-548.
A well-known term that describes this tendency is “zero risk”, which indicates prospects without risks.
Demands of “zero risk” are not realistic and although these stands does not necessarily belong to the
general population, it has become increasingly important to communicate to the public about
Bartsch, D: GMO regulatory challenges and science: a European perspective. Journal of
Consumer Protection and Food Safety,2014. 9:1,51–S58.
So saying, the regulations of GMO primarily should focus on preventing danger to people and
to the environment rather than accommodating zero
Peters, HP., et al. Culture and
Technological Innovation: Impact of Institutional Trust and Appreciation of Nature on Attitudes
towards Food Biotechnology in the USA and Germany. Int J Public Opin Res,2007.19:2,191-220.
Furthermore, it might be import to well consider, which genes are going to be used in the development of GMOs. As synthetic biologist we know that genes are build up by the same four bases, Thymine, Guanine,
Adenine and Cytosine, and we know that the difference between genes is the sequence of these four bases,
but vegans and vegetarians for example might see an ethical issue in using genes from animals. Would
people, who for various reasons don’t eat meat, eat a product produced with genes from an animal? Is the
use of animal genes in GMOs a real ethical issue, or is this a good example of lack of knowledge?
Another aspect that could be taken into consideration is the fact that medicine produced with the use
of GMOs, is accepted by many people. Do they accept the medicine because they don’t know how it
is produced, or do they accept it because they can feel and notice an improvement when using these
products? Would people though also accept Edible coli as a food source once they even can feel the many
advantages that Edible coli leads to?