Team:Paris Saclay/Notebook/September/11



Thursday 11th september

Lab Work

By Mélanie

Lemon Scent

LS and GS digestion

1109 digestion LS GS.jpg

As I failed to obtain the insert with a kit purification, we try another methode with the plasmid topo LS and GS:

component volume
H2O 6μl
buffer 2μl
PacI and MscI 1μl
Plasmid 10μl

LS and GS ligation

component volume
insert 7μl
buffer 1μl
ligase 1μl
pPSI 1μl

ligation of PS in TOPO vector and transformation

component volume
H2O 3μl
salt 1μl
PCR product 1μl
TOPO vector 1μl

Transformation in bacteria

Preparation of pSCBIC3 plasmid

I use the protocol iGEM/

component volume
H2O 9μl
buffer 2μl
ecoRI and PSTI and dpnI 1μl
Plasmid 8μl

Photo of the Day

Paris Saclay 11 september.jpg

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