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<center><b>We organized mettins every wednesday to check the progress of our project. Here are the records of our meetings:</b></center>
<center><b>We organized mettings every wednesday to check the progress of our project. Here are the records of our meetings:</b></center>
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Revision as of 16:20, 16 October 2014

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We organized mettings every wednesday to check the progress of our project. Here are the records of our meetings:

June 17th

In this meeting we define work groups as follows:


Also, we made a brainstorming for the fundraising and we got ideas like doing a Bingo, a party, a bake sale, etc.

June 25th

We talked about what we want for our construct. Also we made this scheme: It is beautiful, isn't it?


July 8th

Laboratory: Our goal for the next week is to transform the parts from the register.

Mathematical Models: We set the model's equations and the next week we are going to put it in Matlab.

Human Practices. We were thinking about ideas for this year. For example, we proposed to transform bacteria with common materials. Another idea, was to discuss ethical situations born from synthetic biology based on technology.

July 17th

We brought detective's stuff and took a photo of each member of the team. That was really fun!

July 22th

Laboratory: We are stuck in pTet- TetR-RBS part. When we made the gel and we got very big bands and we don’t know what could it means. Also we made digestions with different enzymes for the iGEM parts but they didn’t work , so we couldn’t know were the enzymes were cutting . There’s nothing new about Interlab.

Social Networks- Collaborations:

• Paris Team is planning to encourage the formation of new iGEM teams. So, they were thinking that we should do a part of the video and also help them with their Newsletters.
• With the TEC-Monterrey Team we were talking about doing collaborations in Mathematical Models and Interlab, by doing some fluorescence measurements cell by cell with our microscope.
• We are planning to organize a Low Budget Laboratory competition with the other iGEM teams. Wiki: this week each of our members wrote his/her profile for the Wiki.

July 29th

In the laboratory we transformed and digested pTet-RBS-TetR-RFP part and the results were very good. But when we cut with our enzymes the molecular weight what we obtained doesn’t match with the weight we were expecting. We hope to solve that problem for the next week.

There’s nothing new in Mathematical Models, Human Practices and Wiki.

We also prepared everything for the iGEM Bake Sale and chose our team's logo. This were the options:
