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Synthetic Biology for Realer Living
This year, the SCUT 2014 iGEM team has focused on the topic---"Synthetic Biology for Realer Living". We have made great efforts to let common people know that Synthetic Biology is around us and can help to simplify and optimize our life. We can use it for better life.
Firstly, we made several reports for high school students, undergraduates, and professors about health and medicine, new energy, green production, and pollution control. Secondly, we issued our original magazines to introduce the knowledge of Synthetic Biology and iGEM, the aim of our project, the prospect of our iGEM life etc. Thirdly, we went to Hongkong, Wuhan, Shenzhen and Guangzhou to communicate and discuss with many other iGEM teams. Lastly, we conducted a questionnaire survey to gather the information of public awareness and approving degree of Synthetic Biology and iGEM. In addition, we have received almost one thousand valid questionnaires and completed the data analyses.

This is an account of our work timeline of HP in the past year, mainly containing reports, communication activities, interviews, visits, investigations, electronic magazines etc. To be specific, our investigations, data analyses and the detailed contents of the electronic magazine will be exhibited separately, which will offer you a thorough view of our efforts. Looking forward to more wonderful items, please click on the page.

This is an electronic magazine with a collection of ten well-chosen original articles. During the past summer holiday, we teamed up with the Science Department of our university to successfully launch the original magazine "iGEM" by means of the cooperation between the network platform of the Students' Innovation Club and RenRen professional networking service platform. Six different categories--- "iGEM Knowledge", "iGEM Story", "iGEM People", "iGEM Thinking", "iGEM" Bilingualism and "iGEM Commuication" have been introduced in our magazine, which aims to serve divergent levels of readers in the aspects of knowledge and ideology of Synthetic Biology, hoping Synthetic Biology benefits everyone's life.

This is a report on the questionnaire. By the time of October 15, 2014, we have issued a total of 1,000 questionnaires given to all walks of life, among which altogether 972 valid questionnaires were received and analyzed statistically. The topic of the survey questionnaire is The Investigation on Awareness and Acceptance of Synthetic Biology and iGEM Competition. In the report, the application of Synthetic Biology in production and public common life has been highly stressed. Meanwhile, it demonstrates the summary of public’s attitudes towards the above application, as well as the related knowledge on Synthetic Biology and iGEM.