Team:SCUT/Project/System Construction/Co2 Fixation


Revision as of 11:01, 15 October 2014 by Pear (Talk | contribs)

Having utilizing the high-concentration ATP and CO2 around mitochodria as the starting point, we did research on both endogenous metabolic pathways of S.cerevisiae and exogenous pathways that consuming CO2 and, finally set employing PRK ( phosphoribulokinase ), RuBisCo ( Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase ) and CA ( carbonic anhydrase ) to fix CO2 to improve the C sequestration of yeast,in other words, to increase the yield of pyruvate for butanol production as the standing point. To make full use of ATP and CO2, we tried to find out a leading peptide for locating and exogenous scaffold proteins to fix the above-mentioned enzymes to a limited space. Finally we employed Tom22, a leading peptide of outer mitochondrial membrane, and GBD, SH3 and PDZ and their ligands, to reach that goal.