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Over the summer, each sub-group kept weekly journals to record the progress. Check out the journal for our four sub-groups: Transformers, Detectives, Modelling and Prototype, and Policies and Practices.

  • Transformers: We researched the mechanisms of competency found within our B. subtilis chassis and facilitated the uptake of our genetic circuit into the thrC locus. We modified existing protocols for inducing competency and experimented with various steps for maximum efficiency. We also tested and optimized the sporulation process of B. subtilis in order to make it suitable for our final device.
  • Detectives: We developed the reporter and repressor operons which constitute the in vivo detection component of our device. We also analyzed the process of homologous recobmination between the flanking regions of our repressor gene and the designated target sequences. Additionally, we looked at isothermal amplification and PCR within blood for the sample preparation of our device.

  • Modelling and Prototype: We developed all the 3-D models pertaining to our device and offered clear visualizations for the complex biological and physical processes within our device. We also developed a prototype device and looked into the various aspects of engineering that come along with it.
  • Policy and Practices:: We looked into the P&P aspect of our project including but not limited to; maintaining communications with researchers in the field of infectious disease and community health, incorporating mandatory safety and government regulations into the project, representing our team at major events, and organizing outreach events.