Overview - Project
Water is the most precious and fragile resource on Earth. However seas and oceans are polluted by a wide range of compounds stemming from human activities.
Faced with this issue, our team wants to heighten awareness about environmental pollution and particularly its devastating consequences on the aquatic life.
In this line of thinking we are driven to design a bioremediation tool based on the considerable filtration capacity of sponges to decrease the marine pollution and protect aquatic ecosystems.
We create a new tool based on the symbiosis between bacteria and sponges.
We have worked on the bacterium Peudovibrio denitrificans living in s
The Sponge Patrol Project
For the third participation to the iGEM competition, we decided to introduce a new chassis to the competition.
Pseudovibrio denitrificans is a bacterium living in symbiosis with the sponge Spongia Officinali.
The goal of our project was to use a bacterium living in symbiosis with sponges : Peudovibrio denitrificans
blabla bla
Sum up of overview parts
Seas & Oceans