University of Ottawa
We worked with the University of Ottawa in the design of a deterministic ODE model to describe their inducible switch. We assisted them in implementing their model in MATLAB and analyzing it with phase plane and bifurcation analysis in pursuit of tri-stability.
Dr Charles Lab
Thank you to all members of the Dr. Charles lab, University of Waterloo, Department of Biology for your continuous support and guidance for the last few years.
Dr Jeffery Bose
Dr. Jeffery Bose from University of Kansas (KUMC), Dr. Kenneth Bayles and Jennifer Endres from University of Nebraska (NUMC) for providing us pJB38 and other related parts, and the sequences of YFP, DsRed, spC and aadD genes. Thank you for also providing guidance to our knowledge of integrating YFP into our S.epidermidis host.
Dr. Timothy Foster
Dr. Timothy Foster from Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland, for providing us with the E. coli strain DC10B that has the appropriate methylation system that can facilitate transformation of Staphylococcus.
University of Waterloo... etc etc