
We are still looking for sponsors
Please contact our acquisition team via Anna Lauxen if you want to sponsor us. You can reach her via
Infections caused by Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa often pose problems for burn wound treatments. We developed a new kind of bandage that prevents these infections and reduces the use of antibiotics, thereby lowering the risk of developing antibiotic resistance. The bandage consists of a hydrogel that contains genetically engineered Lactococcus lactis with nutrients. The engineered strain of L. lactis detects the quorum sensing molecules of the two pathogens in the wound and subsequently produces the antimicrobial nisin as well as some other Infection-Preventing-Molecules (IPMs). These IPMs are the anti-biofilm protein Dispersin B and the quorum quenching protein AHLase. The gel is placed between two layers, a top layer to allow diffusion of gases and a bottom layer to contain the bacteria within the bandage. Hydrating the gel by breaking adjacent water pockets initiates the growth of the bacteria, thereby activating the bandage.
We reached out to the public and spread amazement and inspiration. Apart from that, we considered the ethical implications and future of our project and constructively thought about GMO regulation.
Our project is not just the adaptation of Lactococcus lactis. To safely apply our bacterium on a burn, it needs to be in a bandage.
We adapted Lactococcus lactis so it could recognize quorum sensing molecules of Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Upon detection of Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, our bacterium excretes molecules to combat them.
Oscar Smits
Oscar loves the idea of having his own lab and pursuing his own goals, and iGEM can provide him with just that. His life is about creating nice things and having fun doing it. He also has fun playing underwater hockey in his hometown 'Twente'.
Vice-Chair - Lab manager - Lab rat
Otto Schepers
Otto wants to find out how synthetic biology can affect everyday life. He always wants to keep learning and trying new things. All this learning can distract him from keeping an eye on his house key so he keeps it around his neck.
Policy & Practice - Modeling
Lisa Hielkema
Lisa heard great stories about iGEM and joined to see if the truth matched the tall stories. After getting her masters degree, Lisa wants to becomes a professor. She is a scientist in heart and soul.
Treasurer - Policy & Practice - Lab rat
Rick Elbert
Rick wants to rule the world with a bio-engineered giant amoeba. Until then, he can be found in the hallway, walking his computer mouse. His... special view on the world is much appreciated by the rest of the team.
Lab Manager - Lab Rat
Sandra Mous
Sandra is a fan of synthetic biology and she likes to spend her summer in the lab. Apart from providing vital shade, the lab allows her to spend time with bacteria, which she thinks are cute.
Lab Manager - Lab Rat
Freek de Wijs
IGEM gives Freek the opportunity to work in a team towards an ambitious goal. His main goal in iGEM and in life is to have fun. Freek never lacks creativity, but sometimes shows too much.
Design - Editor
Thomas Meijer
Thomas joined iGEM for the challenge and the experience that challenge comes with. Thomas takes life as it comes, grabbing opportunities as he sees them. This attitude makes him the life of the team.
Chair - Lab rat
Lianne Wieske
Lianne joined iGEM to challenge herself and couldn't wait to do real lab work beyond practical classes. She loves the French language and would like to speak it fluently. She has dreams of Thomas and Otto and loves legumes.
Secretary - Policy & Practice - Lab help
Anna Lauxen
Anna joined iGEM so she could express her own scientific ideas. She also really wants to go to Boston. Like many aspiring young scientists, she would really like to win a Nobel prize one day. If that fails, she can fall back on selling fake mustaches.
Acquisition - Lab rat
Chandhuru Jagadeesan
Chandhuru wants his work to contribute to society. He is so engrossed in the project that he sometimes forgets the lab keys in his pockets and takes them home.
Modeling - Lab rat
Aakanksha Saraf
Aakanksha wants to learn new applications of synthetic biology through iGEM. She hopes to improve humanity's well-being with life sciences. Her vegetarianism does not prevent her from operating the barbeque.
Trip Manager - Lab rat
Andries de Vries
Andries has joined the team to become a better professional and to make the world a bit better. Our to reduce antibiotics helps him to make the world a cleaner, healthier place. Andries always takes off his shoes in the office.
Design - Wiki

At the 10th of October the University of Twente organized an independent TED event. The theme of the day was “find your creative spark”, and we were welcomed to share our idea of LactoAid. During the day there were several talks about many different topics. From music to cooking in a hot air balloon, from soccer to medical devices. Thomas Meijer represented us here, and told the public a more about the synthetic biology and LactoAid. An inspiring day where our creative spark was found!
Please find more information on this topic here (

The 23rd of September our team invited family and friends to come and visit our lab, and to explain them more about what we had been working on the past few months. We still had to contribute quite a lot for our trip to Boston, so a fundraiser could help us on the financial side. Everybody that was interested could come, get a drink and listen to some relaxing music from the band Frankly no Helix.
We started off with a short presentation, after which people were given the opportunity to ‘take a tour’ through our lab. A great way to show them the work that we have been doing!
After the lab-tours were finished (a lot of people wanted to do this!) we started an auction. The things that went up for auction (lab-slaves, arm candy, boatrides) appeared surprisingly appealing to many of the audience. At the end of the day we had collected 850 euro, but more importantly, we made our project visible to the people around us. This could be repeated the upcoming years!
For more info visit: or
<html> <!--Content module--> <div class="module contentmodule gridcell"> <div class="content"> <div class="wrapper"> <!-- TITLE SNIPPET MANDATORY START--> <div class="title"> Title here, no images!!! </div> <div class="hspacer"> </div> <!-- TITLE SNIPPET MANDATORY END--> <!-- TABLE SNIPPET OPTIONAL START--> <table class="table"> <tr> <th>EMPTY</th><th>EMPTY</th> </tr> <tr> <td>EMPTY</td><td>EMPTY</td> </tr> <tr> <td>EMPTY</td><td>EMPTY</td> </tr> <tr> <td>EMPTY</td><td>EMPTY</td> </tr> </table> <div class="hspacer"> </div> <!-- TABLE SNIPPET OPTIONAL END--> <!-- SUBTITLE SNIPPET OPTIONAL START--> <div class="subtitle" > Used strains S. aureus: (All strains were provided by Auke van Heel) </div> <div class="hspacer"> </div> <!-- SUBTITLE SNIPPET OPTIONAL END--> <!-- PARAGRAPH SNIPPET MANDATORY START--> <div class="text"> PARAHRAPH HERE (TEXT ONLY, NO IMAGES!!!) </div> <div class="hspacer"> </div> <!-- PARAGRAPH SNIPPET MANDATORY END--> <!-- FIGUREMOVIE SNIPPET OPTIONAL START --> </html>{{:Team:Groningen/Template/MODULE/newfigurevideo|Figure-movie 1 |1/11/ |1/1e/LactoAid_Explaination_def_met_sponsors_v2.mp4| Vivamus a augue diam. Nam hendrerit nisi ut tellus hendrerit, ac volutpat massa tristique. }}<html> <!-- FIGUREMOVIE SNIPPET OPTIONAL END--> <!-- FIGURE SNIPPET OPTIONAL START --> </html>{{:Team:Groningen/Template/MODULE/newfigure|Figure 1|1/11/| Vivamus a augue diam. Nam hendrerit nisi ut tellus hendrerit, ac volutpat massa tristique. }}<html> <!-- FIGURE SNIPPET OPTIONAL END--> <!-- LISTING SNIPPET OPTIONAL START--> <div class="listing"> <div class="item">I'AM A BULLET COPY ME AND EXPLAIN ME.</div> <div class="hspacer"> </div> </div> <div class="hspacer"> </div> <!-- LISTING SNIPPET OPTIONAL END--> <div class="hspacer"> </div> </div> <div class="hspacer"> </div> </div> <div class="hspacer"> </div> </div> </html>