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   <h2><a href="javascript:void(0);">Transformation (<em>E.coli</em>)</a></h2>
   <h2><a href="javascript:void(0);">Transformation (<em>E. coli</em>)</a></h2>
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Revision as of 15:23, 16 October 2014




Buffer 1 250μL
Buffer 2 250μL
Buffer 3 350μL
Buffer 4 500μL
Buffer 5 700μL
Distilled water 100μL

  • Suspend the sample in buffer 1 (1.5 ml sample tube)
  • Add buffer 2 to the sample and mix it
  • Add buffer 3 to the sample and mix it
  • Centrifuge for 5 minutes at 13,000 rpm and apply the supernatants to the column
  • Add buffer 4 and centrifuge for 1 minute at 13,000 rpm then throw away the filter paper
  • Add buffer 5 and centrifuge for 1 minute at 13,000 rpm then throw away the filter paper
  • Centrifuge again for 1 minute at 13,000 rpm
  • Place the column on a new sample tube and add 100 microL distilled water
  • Centrifuge for 1 minute at 6,000 rpm

Recipes for Buffer
Buffer 1 (Suspension Buffer) 50 mM Tris-HCl and 10 mM EDTA, pH 8.0 (25°C) 50 μg/ml RNase A
Buffer 2 (Lysis Buffer) 0.2 M NaOH and 1% SDS
Buffer 3 (Neutralization and Binding Buffer) 4 M guanidine hydrochloride and 0.5 M potassium acetate, pH 4.2
Buffer 4 (Wash Buffer) 5 M guanidine hydrochioride and 0.5 M potassium acetate, pH 4.2
Buffer 5 (Wash Buffer) 20 mM NaCl, 2 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.5 (25°C) [final conentrations after addition of ethanol] with 80% ethanol



Buffer for KOD-FX-NEO 50μL
dNTP 20μL
Primer mix 1.0μL
Template DNA 0.5μL
H2O 26.5μL
Total 100μL

  • Add buffer, dNTP, primer mix, Template DNA, KOD-FX-NEO and distilled water to an Eppendorf tube and mix
  • Place the PCR tubes into the PCR machine and set the program

PCR Profile for KOD-FX-NEO
Predenature Denature Annealing Extension Final Extension
98.0°C KOD-FX-NEO 98.0°C 51.0°C 68.0°C 68.0°C
2 minutes 10 seconds 30 seconds 1 minutes 2 minutes
1 cycle 30 cycles 1 cycle

PCR Primer Design
Lot.No Oligo Base Number Sequence



Buffer for KOD-FX-NEO 50μL
dNTP 20μL
Primer mix 1.0μL
Template DNA 0.5μL
H2O 26.5μL
Total 100μL

  • Add buffer, dNTP, primer mix, Template DNA, KOD-FX-NEO and distilled water to an Eppendorf tube and mix
  • Place the PCR tubes into the PCR machine and set the program

PCR Profile for KOD-FX-NEO
Predenature Denature Annealing Extension Final Extension
98.0°C KOD-FX-NEO 98.0°C 51.0°C 68.0°C 68.0°C
2 minutes 10 seconds 30 seconds 1 minutes 2 minutes
1 cycle 30 cycles 1 cycle

Restriction Digest


DNA sample 6μL
Buffer 1μL
Restriction Enzyme 0.5μL
Distilled water 2.5μL

  • Add all materials to a tube and mix them gently
  • Incubate at 37˚C for the enzyme reaction for 15 minutes



Sample 5μL
Agarose gel
2X Loading Buffer Triple Dye (NIPPON GENE) 5μL
1X TAE Buffer

  • Set an agarose gel on an electrophoresis chamber
  • Add 1X TAE buffer to the electrophoresis chamber
    Note: Do not generate bubbles under the gel
  • Add 2X loading buffer to electrophoresis samples
  • Apply samples on agarose gel wells
  • Set an appropriate voltage (100 V) and run the electrophoresis
  • Stop the electrophoresis when the BPB reaches 2/3 of the gel
  • Soak the gel in EtBr (ethidium bromide) solution and dye it for 20 minutes
  • Place plastic cooking wrap on the trans-illuminator and irradiate UV to the gel on the wrap
  • Take photographs of the gel by using a trans-illuminator

Agarose Concentration Versus Optical Range of DNA Size
Agarose Concentration (%) DNA (kbp)
0.3 5-60
0.6 1-20
1.0 0.3-7
1.5 0.2-4
2.0 0.1-2

DNA RefinementⅠ


DNA sample 200μL
distilled H2O 400μL
Phe/Chl 700μL
Isopropyl alcohol 750μL
75% Ethanol 1000μL

  • Add materials (DNA, H2O, CH3COONa, and Phe/Chl) to sample tube and vortex
  • Centrifuge at 14,500 rpm for 10 minutes at room temperature
  • Transfer the supernatant to a new sample tube
  • Add 750 μL of isopropyl alcohol to the sample tube and vortex
  • Centrifuge at 14,500 rpm for 10 minutes at 4°C
  • Remove isopropyl alcohol gently so that the pellet will not break
  • Add 1,000 μL of 75% ethanol and centrifuge at 14,500 rpm for 5 minutes at 4°C
  • Dry it by aspirator for 10 minutes
  • Add 25 μL of distilled H2O and mix

  • Phe/Chl composition Phenol:Chloroform:Isoamyl alcohol=25:24:1

DNA RefinementⅡ


sample 30μL
Bacterial Alkaline Phosphatase (BAP) 1μL
Low melting agarose gel
6×Loading Buffer Double Dye 5μL
Distilled water 200μL
Isopropyl alcohol 750μL
5M CH3COONa 50μL
70% Ethanol 1000μL

  • Add BAP to vector and dephosphorize for 30 minutes at 37°C
  • Run the electrophoresis with agarose gel
  • Cut out the targeted band and mix with 200μL of distilled water in a tube
  • Heat the sample for 5 minutes at 65°C
  • Add the same amount of phenol as the sample and vortex
  • Centrifuge at 14,500 rpm for 10 minutes at room temperature and apply the supernatant to the new sample tube
  • Add the same amount of Phe/Chl as the sample and vortex
  • Centrifuge at 14,500 rpm for 5 minutes at room temperature and apply the supernatant to the sample tube
  • Add 750 μL of Isopropyl alcohol and 50 μL of CH3COONa and centrifuge at 14,500rpm for 10 minutes at 4°C
  • Rinse with 70% ethanol at 14,500 rpm 5 minutes at 4°C
  • Dry it for 15 minutes



DNA sample 5μL
DNA ligase (Ligation High from Nippon gene) 5μL

  • Mix DNA sample and DNA ligase in a sample tube gently
  • Ligation for 15 minutes at room temperature

Transformation (E. coli)


DNA Sample 10μL
Competent cell 50μL

  • Thaw the competent cells on ice
  • Add 10 μL of sample into thawed competent cells
  • Cool the sample tube, which contains competent cells and DNA samples, with ice for 1 hour, then Heat shock the cells by immersion in pre-hearted water bath at 42°C for 30 seconds
  • Place the tube on ice for 2 minutes to cool it down
  • At a clean bench, add 1.0 ml of LB medium into the tube and suspend it
  • Incubate the tube at 37°C for 35 minutes
  • Harvest the cells by centrifuge
  • Spread the transformed competent cells onto the agar plate and incubate it at 37°C overnight

Transformation (S.cerevisiae)


Sample 5μL
Competent cells 95μL
YPD plate containing G418

  • Cool down a cuvette for 5 minutes on ice
  • Harvest the yeast cells by centrifuge at 4 ̊C
  • Suspend the cells in 20 ml of cold 1M sorbitol and harvest by centrifuge at 4 ̊C times)
  • Suspend the cells in 500μL of cold 1M sorbitol
  • Mix DNA sample (5 μL) and the cell suspension (95 μL) in a cold cuvette
  • Electroporate under the following conditions: 200Ω, 25μF and 1.5kV
  • Immediately inoculate on YPD plates containing G418
  • Incubate at 30 ̊C for 2



Medium 20ml

  • Scrape samples from the agar plate and inoculate them on medium
  • Cultivate at 37°C in a shaken culture overnight

Main Culture


LB medium with appropriate antibiotics (20 ml) 100ml
Sample (E. coli cells)

  • Scrape samples from the agar plate and inoculate them in liquid media
  • Cultivate overnight (37˚C, 120 rpm)

Protein Extraction (E. coli)


Fast Break Cell Lysis Reagent, 10X (Promega)
50mM potassium phosphate buffer (=pH6.8)
SDS sample buffer

  • Separate samples into two and harvest by centrifuge
  • Add potassium phosphate buffer, then mix and remove medium completely
  • Add Fast Break Cell Lysis Reagent, 10X at the ratio of Fast Break Buffer Cell Lysis Reagent,10X: Samples=1:9 and extract protein for 15 minutes at room temperature

Protein Extraction (S. cerevisiae)


Glass Beads
50 mM potassium phosphate buffer (pH6.8)
SDS sample buffer

  • Harvest yeast cells by centrifuge at 3,000 rpm for 4 minutes at room temperature
  • Wash cells once with potassium phosphate buffer
  • Cool down the sample tube on ice for 1 minute
  • Add the same amount of glass beads as the sample then add 20 μL of potassium phosphate buffer and mix
  • Disrupt the cells by FastPrep 24 (MP Biochemicals) for 45 seconds at speed 4.5
  • Cool down the sample tube on ice for 1 minute
  • Add 80 µl of potassium phosphate buffer, cool it down and centrifuge for 5 minutes at 14,500 rpm at 4°C
  • Transfer 40 µl of the supernatant and mix with 8 µl of SDS sample buffer
  • Treat the sample with heat for 5 minutes at 100˚C

Colony Sweep


Phenol/Chloroform water-saturated solution (Phe/Chl)
Cracking solution 3% w/v SDS, 50 mM Tris-base, pH12.6

  • Dispense cracking solution (50 μL) each into sample tubes
  • Collect the sample and suspend it into cracking solution
  • Incubate at 65°C for 10 minutes
  • Add Phe/Chl and BPB pigment and vortex
  • Centrifuge at 14,000 rpm for 5 minutes
  • Apply the samples (upper layer) to agarose gel with loading dye
  • Check the bands by agar gel electrophoresis



Separating Gel
Stacking Gel

  • Place stacking gel on separating gel
  • Rinse the wells of gel with distilled water
  • Load prepared samples into wells
  • Run the electrophoresis (25 mA for 75 min)
  • Check the bands with CBB stain

Separating Gel
Acylamide (%) 7.5 10 12.5 15 17.5
MiliQ H2O (ml) 3.89 3.22 2.55 1.87 1.2
Acrylamide/Bis-acrylamide (30%/0.8% w/v) 1.99 2.7 3.38 4.04 4.7
1.5M Tris-HCl(pH8.8) (ml) 2 2 2 2 2
10% (w/v)SDS (μl) 80 80 80 80 80
10% (w/v) ammonium persulfate (AP) (μl) 27 27 27 27 27
TEMED (μl) 4 4 4 4 4

Stacking Gel
MiliQ H2O (ml) 2.89
30% (w/v) acrylamide (ml) 0.79
0.5M Tris-HCl(pH6.8) (ml) 1.25
10% SDS (μl) (ml) 50
10% APS (μl) (ml) 17
TEMED (μl) (ml) 5

Western Blotting


BufferⅠ 0.3 M Tris base, 20% MetOH (pH 10.9)
BufferⅡ 25 mM Tris base, 20% MetOH
BufferⅢ 25 mM Tris base, 0.05 mM Boric acid, 20% MetOH (pH 9.5)
PBS 137 mM NaCl, 8.1 mM Na2HPO4 (12H2O), 2.68 mM KCl, 1.47 mM KH2PO4
PBS-S PBS including 0.1% skim milk
PBS-T PBS including 0.05% Tween20
PBS-TS PBS including 0.1% skim milk & 0.05% Tween20
PonceauS ‹Sigma›
PVDF membrane (Immobilon Transfer membrane by Milipore) 1 sheet
Whatman paper ‹Whatman 3MM›
Hybridization bag ‹Cosmo Bio›
Peroxidase Stain Kit ‹Nacalai Tesque›
Anti-GST antibody conjugated with HRP (Wako)

  • Cut the gel in appropriate size
  • Soak gel in buffer III and shake gently for 15 minutes
  • Soak the membrane on methanol then transfer it in buffer III
  • Soak Whatman papers (all in the same size) in Buffer I (2 sheets), Buffer II (1 sheet) and Buffer III (3 sheets) respectively
  • Wet the surface of the blotter
  • Put items in the following order: Buffer III paper, gel, membrane, Buffer II paper and Buffer I paper
  • Blot at the constant current of membrane's area ×2.5 mA for 20 minutes
  • Dye the membrane with Ponceau S for 5 minutes, rinse it with distilled water and scan it
  • Shake and wash with PBS-TS (3 minutes ×3times)
  • The membrane was incubated with anti-GST antibody containing HRP in PBS-S at room temperature for 1 hour
  • Wash with PBS-T twice (5 minutes/10 minutes)
  • Wash with PBS twice (5 minutes/5 minutes)
  • Stain the membrane using Peroxidase Stain Kits
  • Scan it

LB Medium


Tryptone final concentration: 1%(w/v)
Yeast Extract final concentration: 0.5%(w/v)
NaCl final concentration: 1%(w/v)

  • Dissolve Tryptone (1.0 g), Yeast Extract (500 mg) and NaCl (1.0 g) in distilled water (90 ml)
  • Adjust pH to 7.0 by adding 20μL of 5M NaOH
  • Fill up to 100 ml with distilled water
  • Autoclave

  • To make agar plate, add agar powder at the final concentration of 2 %(w/v) in Procedure 2

YPD Medium

Peptone final concentration: 2%(w/v)
Yeast extract final concentration: 1%(w/v)
Glucose final concentration: 2%(w/v)

  • Dissolve peptone (2.0 g), yeast extract (1.0 g) and glucose (2.0 g) to distilled water (90 ml)
  • Fill up to 100 ml with distilled water
  • Sterilize by autoclave

  • To make agar plate, add agar powder (final concentration: 2.0%) at procedure 1.

SD Medium


Yeast nitrogen base 0.67%(w/v)
Glucose 2% (w/v)
Adenine 0.004% (w/v)
Histidine 0.002% (w/v)
Leucine 0.006% (w/v)
Lysine 0.003% (w/v)
Methionine 0.002% (w/v)
Tryptophan 0.004% (w/v)

  • Dissolve yeast nitrogen base (6.7 g), adenine (40 mg), histidine (20 mg), leucine (60 mg), lysine (30mg), tryptophan (40mg) and methionine (20mg) into 40 ml of distilled H2O, and then fill up to 50 ml with H2O.
  • Dissolve glucose (20.0 g) into 40 ml of distilled H2O, and then fill up to 50 ml with H2O.
  • Sterilize each solution by autoclave.
  • Mix solutions after cooling it down.

  • Autoclave glucose and agar plate separately from other materials