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The movement of a bacteria through a medium is described thus:<br>
The movement of a bacteria through a medium is described thus:<br>
1. The bacteria is moving at a random angle at a certain speed.<br>
1. The bacteria is moving at a random angle at a certain speed.<br>
2. After a certain time (the “run” time), the bacteria reorientates itself (the “tumble”), and sets off at a different angle.  This run time can be influenced by the chemotaxic gradient, if present
2. After a certain time (the “run” time), the bacteria reorientates itself (the “tumble”), and sets off at a different angle.<br> This run time can be influenced by the chemotaxic gradient, if present
<img id="runtumble" src=""/>
<img id="runtumble" src=""/>

Revision as of 14:36, 6 August 2014

Bubble Test Page

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Section 1: Modelling of Bacteria Random Walk
Firstly, we created a very basic 2D model of a flagella propelled bacterium. This was heavily based on the “random walk” model we mentioned previously, only we introduced a small degree of order, based on a more extensive and all-encompassing model created by Dillon, Fauci and Gaver in 1995.(link to paper?)DOI: 10.1006/jtbi.1995.0251

In order to simplify the model, we made a number of assumptions. These are:
  • Tumbling is instantaneous
  • Chemotaxic gradient is not a factor
  • An E.coil cell can be represented as a sphere
  • Speed is constant (20ms-1)

The movement of a bacteria through a medium is described thus:
1. The bacteria is moving at a random angle at a certain speed.
2. After a certain time (the “run” time), the bacteria reorientates itself (the “tumble”), and sets off at a different angle.
This run time can be influenced by the chemotaxic gradient, if present