Team:Sheffield/sociobricks/Part:SBa M0001/information


Registry of Standard Policy and Practice Parts

SBa_M0001: Oral History



A good oral history will provide background information and personal insights that may not be found in official documents. As the interviews are carried out with individuals, there are personal biases. However, these may be important when used for data analysis when thinking about why a person may feel this way.


The interviewees may not want to honestly discuss the past events or remember details entirely so recollections may not be entirely truthful or accurate. As time passes since the experience, information becomes more condensed and so critical actions and judgements may be omitted during the interview.

As well as this, they can take a very long time to conduct, transcribe and analyse.

Further information

  • Charlton, Thomas L.; Myers, Lois E.; Sharpless, Rebecca, eds. (2007). History of Oral History: Foundations and Methodology.