

Registry of Standard Policy and Practice Parts


A framework is used as a basis for the project. There are three main types presented here: Social Research Theory, Education and Entreprenuership.


Social Research Theory

Social research theory can be used as a basis when trying to understand ethics, sustainability, social justice, safety, security, or intellectual property rights based on different theories. Currently there are four theories characterised in this collection:

Name Description Created by
SBa_F0001 Conflict Theory Sheffield 2014
SBa_F0002 Symbolic Interactionism Sheffield 2014
SBa_F0003 Actor Network Theory Sheffield 2014
SBa_F0004 Grounded Theory Sheffield 2014


Education frameworks can be used to plan projects based around engaging groups of people. This may not always be strictly educating and ensuring understanding, it may just be to inform about a topic or issue. Outreach is one brick in the current registry that was used by The University of Sheffield iGEM 2014 Team:

Name Description Created by
SBa_F1001 Outreach Sheffield 2014


Entrepeneurship bricks can be used to guide teams when considering their project development and implementation as a product. The current parts in this collection will help form the basis of reports to identify consumer needs, produce financial forecasts and produce product design images:

Name Description Created by
SBa_F2001 Market Research Sheffield 2014
SBa_F2002 Product Design Sheffield 2014
SBa_F2003 Business Plan Sheffield 2014