


  • Transformation of the single deletions strains E. coli strains KRX ∆alr and DH5alpha ∆alr with the plasmid pRedET containg the Recombinase using the Genebridge RedET-System protocol.
  • Successful amplifikation of the oligonucleotide containing the flanking sites for the deletion of dadX using the primer BBa_K1465405 and BBa_K1465406
  • Transformation of the oligonucleotide containing the flanking sites for the deletion of dadX. The successful replacement of the catabolic alanine racemase was verified via kanamycin selection and Colony PCR (dadX_Ec_control1, dadX_Ec_control2)
    • Annealing temperature: 55 °C
    • Bands as expected (3004 bp)
  • Resulting in the genotype DH5aplha ∆alr kan:dadX, while the dadX deletion in the KRX strain was not successful.
  • Transformation of the oligonucleotide containing the flanking sites for the deletion of dadX into the KRX ∆alr. The successful replacement of the katabolic alanine racemase was verified via kanamycin selection and Colony PCR (dadX_Ec_control1, dadX_Ec_control2)
    • Annealing temperature: 55 °C
    • Bands as expected (3004 bp)
  • Resulting in the genotype KRX ∆alr kan:dadX.