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For a detailed example of our Chimera Workflow, please check out the Chimera Example page. Below, we present a brief outline of the major steps involved in each stage (Design, Build, Test) of the Chimera workflow, along with a few high level examples. We also define what we consider Phase I, II, and III to be for our workflow.

Phase I - Build and test basic parts.

Key software tools: TASBE Tools, Eugene (optional), Raven (optional)

General Chimera Workflow

Case Study: BU Priority Encoder

• Add parts to MoClo library. The following parts were found to be necessary for our priority encoder:

• 3 MoClo level 1 and 3 MoClo level 2 backbones, each with a different origin of replication:

• ColE1
• p15A
• pSC101

• 4 MoClo level 0 fusion proteins:


• X MoClo level 0 tandem promoters:

• pTet_pBad
• pBad_pTet

These parts were cloned into a E. coli Bioline strain using our MoClo and transformation protocols. They were purified, sequenced, and tested using our FACS Workflow and our BD LSRFortessa flow cytometer.The TASBE Tools were then employed to characterize their expression.

Phase II - Build and characterize TU behavior.

Key software tools: TASBE Tools, Eugene, Raven

General Chimera Workflow

Case Study: BU Priority Encoder

• Run one-pot Multiplexing MoClo reaction. We initially multiplexed 5' UTIs and Terminators

• Eugene was employed to visualize all possible part substitutions.
• Raven was employed to optimize the assembly of these combinations.

• Clone multiplexed reactions into Pro strain of E. coli using Pro Transformation protocol.

• Pick 20 colonies per plate, purify, and sequence.

• Test using flow cytometry workflow and analyze data using the TASBE Tools.

Phase III - Test regulatory arcs and assemble final device.

Key software tools: TASBE Tools, Eugene, Raven

General Chimera Workflow

Case Study: BU Priority Encoder

• Test individual TU regulatory arcs
• Use Eugene to plan final device topology.

• Use Raven to guide MoClo assembly of encoder.

• Clone multiplexed reactions into Pro strain of E. coli using Pro Transformation protocol.

• Pick colonies, purify, and sequence.

• Test using flow cytometry workflow and analyze data using the TASBE Tools.

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