Team:Aachen/Collaborations/Methane Sensor


Revision as of 14:30, 26 September 2014 by Mosthege (Talk | contribs)

A low-cost DIY methane sensor for Team Braunschweig

Our collegues from Braunschweig are cultivating microorganisms that grow on methane (CH4) that is supplied via the gas phase. To monitor the methane uptake by their E. co(w)li, they would like to measure the methane concentration in the gas. With the standard analytical methods in the lab, this is very difficult, but when they told us about their problem, we knew that we might be able to help them. We assembled an Arduino-based methane sensor and wrote a program to record the data.

The componentes for the methane sensor include:

  • [ Arduino Nano V3 clone] Aachen ArduinoNano.jpg
  • [ SainSmart MQ-4 Gas Sensor] Aachen SainSmartMQ4.jpg
  • A [ Breadboard] and some wires Aachen Breadboard.jpg

Serial Client - a WPF application to log data

Not only the Methane sensor, but many other microcontroller components of our project, including for example the OD-device, are capable of frequently broadcasting readings via their serial connection to a computer. For an efficient analysis and testing, as well as the gathering of online data, Michael wrote the Serial Client. Its a Windows Desktop app that live-plots data coming in on a Serial (USB) port and collects it for later export to Excel. For data coming in at high frequencies, points can be averaged and later exported with the standard deviation.

In [FIGURE X] you can see a dependency graph of the overall app architecture.

Aachen SerialClient DependencyGraph1.png
Figure 1
Overview dependency graph of the Serial Client architechture

The architecture of Serial Client follows the MVVM pattern and you can see a detailed dependency graph of the Serial Clients ViewModel in [FIGURE X].

Aachen SerialClient DependencyGraph2.png
Figure 2
Detailed dependency graph of the Serial Client architechture