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Week 6

Sensor construction hbpR-hbpC

08/6/14 :

Part Extraction hbpR sequence and hbpC promoter sequence from pHYB109 plasmid in DH5a:
Plate on LB-Agar-Amp (25mL LB-Agar + 25 µL Amp) and incubation overnight at 37°C

08/7/14 :

Part Extraction hbpR sequence and hbpC promoter sequence from pHYB109 plasmid in DH5a:
Culturing of 1 colony in 5mL of LB + 5µL Amp and incubation at 37°C, 200rpm

08/8/14 :

Part Extraction hbpR sequence and hbpC promoter sequence from pHYB109 plasmid in DH5a:
Plasmid purification with NucleoSpin Plasmid (Macherey-Nagel) protocol: 487,9 ng/µL