Teaching Module "Synthetic Biology" for Highschools
In the course of our cooperation with the grade 9 biology-chemistry class at Kaiser-Karl-Gymnasium, a secondary school in Aachen, we developed a teaching module about “Synthetic Biology”. The scope of the module is 8 school classes 45 min. each. Topics include
- sources of and exposure to microorganisms in our environment
- antibiotic resistances
- quorum sensing
- fluorescence and measurement thereof
- the bio-molecular aspect of our iGEM project.
To wrap up the module we did some career-exploration in synthetic biology and related fields.
The teaching module is suitable for the subjects biology, biology-chemistry and sciences. The students should have completed grade 8, and know about the central dogma of biology as well as protein biosynthesis. Because our work is going to be evaluated based on this wiki, we would like to take photos during the lessons. In order to publish the photos on our homepage and our wiki, we need a consent form signed by the students’ parents. If you, too, are interested in collaborating with our team write us an email at igem@rwth-aachen.de
The first time, we carried out this teaching module in cooperation with Kaiser-Karls-Gymnasium. For each of the lessons we have recorded our experience in a blog entry. You will be directed to the respective entry by clicking on the lesson title.
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Contact sample from a school desk
Students discovering what grows on and around them
Growth from a computer mouse
René explains a student the result of the experiment
Nina explains how penicillin works
René tells students how resistances spread
Students measured the fluorescence of vanilla pudding.
Nina and René tell students about fluorescence in biology
All that's needed for a cool school experiment
Student dissolving vanilla pudding powder
Student preparing sample for measurement
Arne explains students the background of the measurement.
Our prototype device measures the flourescence of the sample...
...and displays the result on the cell phone.
Vera convinces students why to study biology.