Including Floats into your text
Including floats (figures, tables, etc.) into HTML unfortunately is not as straight forward as, for instance, in \LaTeX.
Let's start with the least complicated stuff, and then get more involved.
Therefore first we're linking websites, then including images, then tables and figures.
Linking (other) websites
In HTML there's no distinction between linking to some place on your own website, or to a foreign website. Everything uses the same construct (thank god!) which starts with <a ...></a>.
The address is either the name of an object (header, paragraph, block, ...) or the URL of a website, for instance
If you link to any of our sub-pages, please use the full URL.
The text within the tag is the clickable link. You should keep that as short as possible, but as long as necessary!
Therefore a link to our start page would look like:
If you would like to specify the destination of the link, eg. loading in the same frame/windows/tab or in a new tab/window, you can choose between _blank for a new tab/window or _self for the current frame/window/tab.
Creating tables in HTML is a tedious task.
Unfortunately you will most likely have quite a few tables.
Therefore please use the following ( \LaTeX ) table generator, which also supports exporting the table as HTML. Use this for Excel-to-wiki conversion:
If you don't want the first row to be header-row, simply replace the <th></th> with <tr></tr>.
Please also change the start <table> to <class="contenttable"> such that the table gets represented as per our design.
Consequently a table should look like:
header1 |
header2 |
header3 |
content1 |
content2 |
content3 |
Including Images
You can include images simply by using the following code:
Please upload images with fileformat Aachen_descr(_date).ext on the iGEM Server.
descr stands for a short description together with an optional date in any of the allowed extensions.
Position your images adequatly. In most cases you will either need to align them left, right or as center. Please try to avoid having floating images as they usually get too small to see something. Please serve yourself with the example code:
If you want something special, google is your friend.