To stay true to its title 'pathogen-hunting microbe', BaKillus should ideally be able to
swim towards its prey via chemotaxis. However, the ability to react to an AIP- or CSP-gradient requires
the introduction of a chimeric receptor into Bacillus subtilis. Chemotaxis receptors are quite complex and can,
for example, take different methylation states to allow for attenuation of the chemotactic response.
This complexity puts the construction of a custom receptor beyond the scope of an iGEM project.
To evaluate how a hypothetical chemotactic BaKillis would act in an experimental setting, we developed a
model to simulate the movement of chemotactic hunters in response to an attractant gradient produced
by a growing colony of prey bacteria.
Our model essentially consists of 3 components: growth of prey bacteria, diffusion of attractant molecules and chemotactic behavior of the hunter bacteria.
All these processes take place in a defined geometric space (representing, for example, a microfluidic device). The experimental scenario we wish to capture in
our model is the following: a colony of prey bacteria is spotted onto the arena, growing in place and producing attractant molecules. A fixed population of hunter
bacteria is placed into the arena as well. Their reaction (biased movement) to the building attractant gradient is what we seek to observe.
Growth of prey
The prey bacteria will grow on a population level, according to a logistic growth curve with explicit solutions:
\[ y = ln \frac{N}{N_0} = \frac{A}{1 + e^{\frac{4\mu_m}{A} (\lambda - t) + 2}}\]
Diffusion of attractants
The concentration of attractant molecules in space changes according to a partial differential equation comprising diffusion, degradation and production by the prey bacteria.
D is the diffusion coefficient, a is the degradation rate and p the rate of production rate.
The chemotaxis of the hunter bacteria (BaKillus) is represented by an agent-based model adapted from [Matthäus ref]. Each bacterium has its own methylation and phosphorylation
states of the chemotactic pathway which change according to a system of ordinary differential equations in response to attractant concentrations.
In a classical 2-state model of bacterial chemotaxis, each bacterium will be in either *running* or *tumbling* state at each time point.
In a running step, bacteria will swim forward in a straight line whereas in a tumbling step, they will change their direction by a random angle picked from a gamma distribution.
We implemented the model in C++, making extensive use of the *Boost* libraries for numerical integration, among other things. In addition,
we wrote gateway routines to allow handling of the model from a MATLAB script. This way, parameters can easily be changed and results can be visualized
using the plotting functionality of MATLAB.
Initially, the arena in which chemotaxis should take place is defined as a polygon. An equally spaced 2-dimensional grid covering the polygon is created
to store concentrations of prey bacteria and attractant molecules (fig. x). The area in which prey bacteria grow (a 'colony') is defined as a rectangle and their initial concentration
is set.
[scheme of grid]
A desired number of virtual hunter bacteria are created at set spacial coordinates. Initially, these bacteria have a random orientation and their chemotactic
pathway is inactive (methylation and phosphorylation levels are zero).
The model is then updated by defined time steps until a desired end time is reached.
At each time step, the number of prey bacteria in the colony is updated according to their logistic growth curve. The concentration of attractant molecules changes
according to the diffusion equation (ref). The Laplacian is discretized on the grid using a 5-point stencil (pseudocode??).
In each time step, the bacteria will update their chemotactic pathway (according to the system of differential equations)
in response to the attractant concentration at their location (the mean of the nonnegative concentrations at the neighboring 4 grid nodes).
Each bacterium will then swim forward (run) or change its orientation (tumble) dependent on the phosphorylation level of CheY.
Results & Discussion