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Genetical Approach

There are different genetical approaches to produce isobutanol with various organisms like cyanobacteria, B. subtilis , E. coli and some more. We aim to reproduce the production pipeline which was done by iGEM Team Formosa 2011 and 2012 in E. coli. The iGEM Team Formosa identified the four proteins alsS, ilvC, ilvD and kivD as required for the production of isobutanol in E. coli. We want to reproduce their idea without the temperature shift and with all genes on one plasmid. Additionally we want to combine this plasmid with the adhA from L. lactis.

AlsS (α-acetolactate synthase)
IlvC (Ketol-acid reductoisomerase)
IlvD (Dihydroxyacid dehydratase)
KivD (α-ketoisovalerate decarboxylase)
AdhA (Alcoholdehydrogenase)