September |
- FumA
- This week we assembled FumA with different constitutive promotors
- Restriction digestion with EcoRI and PstI
- Bands as expected (~2070 bp and ~1800 bp) for pSB1C3_T7_FumA
- BioBrick Assembly (Suffix)
- Transformation of all constructs with electrocompotetent cells
- Colony PCR (VF-Primer, VR-Primer)
- Annealing temperature: 55 °C
- Bands as expected (~2100 bp) for all constructs
- Plasmid isolation of the positive colonies
- Restriction digestion with EcoRI and PstI
- Bands as expected (~2070 bp and ~1800 bp)
- ccm
- Gibson Assembly with ccm and pSB1C3
- Transformation of pSB1C3_ccm with electrocompotetent cells
- GSU 3274
- This week we assembled GSU 3274 with different promotors
- BioBrick Assembly (Suffix)
- Transformation of all constructs with electrocompotetent cells
- Colony PCR (VF-Primer, VR-Primer)
- Annealing temperature: 55°C
- Bands as expected (~ bp) for pSB1C3_ptac and pSB1A2_T7
- Electrobiochemical reactor system
- This week we arranged the complete H-cell reactor for the first time to start first trials. Therefore we prepare the H-cell buffers and the Nafion® membrane which ensures the division of the two compartments.
- NAD/NADH Assay
- This week we startet the first test with the Promega NAD/NADH-Glo™ Assay to evaluate later cultivations respectively.
- frd (E.coli)
- Transformation of pSB1C3_T7_frd with electrocompotetent cells of KRX ΔdcuB::oprF, JW4084-1 as well as JW0506-1 from the KEIO collection
- Colony PCR (VF-Primer, VR-Primer)
- Annealing temperature: 55 °C
- Bands as expected (~3600 bp)
- Restriction digestion of all constructs with EcoRI and PstI
- Bands (not) as expected (~... bp)
- Expression of frd (E.coli) for SDS-Page
- Induction was carried out with 0.1 % Rhamnose and 1 mM IPTG
- For the release of the periplasmatic protein fraction a cold osmotic shock was performed
- ccm
- Plasmid isolation of pSB1C3_ccm
- Restriction digestion with NotI
- Bands not as expected (~6230 bp)