OD device
From Transmittance to True Optical Density
At very low levels, uncorrected photometric determinations of cell densities show a decreasing proportionaility to actual cell density.
This can also be observed using our OD measurement device.
In general, photometric determination of bacterial concentrations depends primarily on light scattering, rather than light absorption.
Therefore often not absorption is measured, but transmittance.
For this, the relationship between optical density (OD) and transmitted light $\frac{I_0}{I}$ exists as:
$$ OD = \frac{I_0}{I} = \kappa \cdot c$$
But also this is only linear in a certain range.
While one can tackle this non-linearity by using dilutions of the culture, correcting the error systematically is another way to overcome this limitation.
For our OD device we needed to correlate the transmittance measured by our sensor to an optical density anyways.
Our team members from the deterministic sciences emphasized on the correction method, which was conducted according to [1].
For this, the dilution of the cell suspension used for calibration is noted down and the relative density (RD) $\frac{min(dilution)}{dilution}$ is calculated.
From the transmission T (in percent) the uncorrected optical density $OD = 2 - \log T$ is calculated.
Finally the unit optical density is calculated as $\frac{OD}{TD}$.
From the stable unit optical densities, the average is used to calculate the true optical density $ OD_{unit} \cdot RD $.
By doing so, the correlation from transmission to true optical density can be computed.
Finally this function allows the conversion from transmission to optical density on our device and therefore calibrates our device.
Lawrence and Maier could shop that correcting transmittance this way, the corrected optical density shows a linear relationship of true optical density to dry weight in cell suspensions.
In our experiments we can find that different cell types have a different correction function.
While this at first sight looks disappointing, it can be expected.
Transmittance is the fraction of light coming through some medium relative to some other medium.
But then transmittance is not only relying on the amount of cells in the way of the light beam, but also on their shape, their size and possibly also their cell membranes.
[1] Correction for the Inherent Error in Optical Density Readings, Lawrence, J.V. and Maier, S., Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 1977, p. 482-484
Hint: Building it
If you want to build the OD device, make sure to use the following secret ingredients:
- Filter: [http://www.leefilters.com/lighting/colour-details.html#019 Fire 019]
- LED: