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Goodbye Azodye UCL iGEM 2014

Sociological Imaginations - Reconciling Environmental Discourses

Human Practice Team


  • Anticipatory socialisation:
  • Accountability:
  • Black-boxing:
  • Commodification:
  • Deskilling:
  • Discourse:
  • Dual-use technology: Technologies which can be used for more than one goal, usually having both civilian or peaceful purpose and military aims. They imply a dilemma "because it is difficult to prevent their misuse without forgoing beneficial applications. [...] [M]any of the emerging technologies with the potential to do the most good are also capable of the greatest harm" (Tucker 2012 :1)
  • Ecological modernisation:
  • Ethnography:
  • Cross-borderness:
  • Governance:
  • Ignorance: Knowing that the knowledge is limited in a certain area. It increases with every state of new knowledge
  • Interdisciplinarity:
  • Late-modernity:
  • Modernity and modernisation:
  • Open-source:
  • Oversight:
  • Professionalization:
  • Rationality:
  • Reductionism:
  • Reflexivity:
  • Risk: A situation of uncertainty in which some of the possible outcomes involves an undesirable outcome
  • Risk society:
  • Self-governance and self-regulation:
  • Socialisation:
  • Sociology:
  • Subpolitics:
  • Technologies of hubris:
  • Transnationalism:
  • Uncertainty: "A situation in which, given current knowledge, there are multiple possible future outcomes" (Gross 2010: 3)
  • Upstream:

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