Team:UC Davis/Potentiostat Data


Revision as of 04:58, 2 October 2014 by AaronC (Talk | contribs)
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UC Davis iGEM 2014

Hardware Specifications

Computer Interface:
Electrode Connector Type:
Sampling Rate:

Potential Range:
Potential Resolution:

Current Ranges:
Current Resolutions:
Offsets at Zero:
Accuracies at Zero:
Maximum Measurable Current:

USB Micro-B or 5.6V-16V DC Power Supply
USB Micro-B
USB Mini-B
Teensy 3.1
3000 SPs
102 mm x 102 mm x 20 mm

±1 V
500 µV

±100 µA to ±100 nA (4 ranges)
25 nA to 25 pA
≤0.1% of current range
≤0.33% of current range
±100 µA

Software Specifications


Electrode Operation:

Software Features:

Anodic Stripping (2 wave types)
Cyclic Voltammetry
Potentiostatic Amperometry

Adjustable Quiet Time

Data Export *.CSV
Digital Signal Processing Filters
Data Analysis and Statistics
Enzyme Specificity Input
Aldehyde Prediction


Electrode Operation:

Software Features:

Anodic Stripping (2 wave types)
Cyclic Voltammetry
Potentiostatic Amperometry

Adjustable Quiet Time

Data Export *.CSV
Digital Signal Processing Filters
Data Analysis and Statistics
Enzyme Specificity Input
Aldehyde Prediction