Discussion of fallout from Friday's meeting, paper reading
Colony PCR and Minipreps of liquid cultures of colonies picked over the weekend
TXTL workshop starts today
Tuesday, 6/24/14
Discussed alternatives to current ComQXPA system, including 2-cell system (not all in 1 cell)
Gibson assembly of another combinatorial promoter using pKS001 backbone, lacI geneblock, B83 promoter geneblock, and sfGFP geneblock.
Transformation of Gibson constructs into JM109 cells
Linear combinatorial constructs created via PCR of pAA001 (minipreps) to be tested in TXTL
Wednesday, 6/25/14
Linear constructs and plasmid TXTL reactions of A90 promoter (pAA001) were set up and run
Gibson assembly of plasmid pAA002 containing B83 promoter
PCR of Gibson assemblies of pAA002 to create linear constructs to test in TXTL
TXTL reactions of B83 promoter (linear frag. from pAA002) were set up and run
Transformation of pAA002 Gibson assemblies into JM109
Thursday, 6/26/14
Analysis of yesterday's TXTL reactions (run overnight)
Colony PCR and miniprep of bacterial colonies transformed with pAA002. Minipreps shipped for sequencing.
TXTL reaction data inconclusive. Most fluorescence signals are below negative control, and linear data frequently contradicts plasmid data with A90 promoter. No signal observed for B83 promoter.
Friday, 6/27/14
Continued to investigate different signalling pathways