Team:CSU Fort Collins/Judging/


Revision as of 18:14, 17 October 2014 by Ossmith (Talk | contribs)



Bronze Medal Requirements

✓ Register the team
✓ Plan to attend and present at the iGEM 2014 Giant Jamboree
✓ Complete the iGEM Judging Form
✓ Complete and share the project and parts via the Wiki and the BioBrick Registry
✓ Include an acknowledgements page on your wiki
✓ Document one new standard BioBrick Part and submit it to the registry

Silver Medal Requirements

✓ Experimentally validate that the BioBrick submitted works as expected
✓ Document the characterization of this part on its Registry entry
✓ Articulate at least one "beyond the bench" question encountered by your team and how you considered and dealt with the(se) issue(s)
Beyond the Bench: Intellectual Property Rights
During the course of our project, we completed a substantial amount of work on a part which has a potential for patentability. After discussion with and upon recommendation of a member of CSU Ventures, the Intellectual Property administration branch of our university, we came to the conclusion that this part should be protected to ensure our ability to continue and protect this work.

Gold Medal Requirements

✓ Help any registered iGEM team from another institution by characterizing a part.

Find our official judging form here.