Statistical Region Merging (SRM)
Before briefly introducing Statistical Region Merging (SRM), we would like to explain why we need this step, and why this algorithm is an ideal choice.
Compared to other clustering algorithms, SRM is quite leight weight, yet delivers deterministic results and is not dependent on a certain seed (like k-means, for example).
On the other hand, it can create as many refinements as one wants and is thus flexible enough for the our purposes. Finally there's already been knowledge about this algorithm in the group.
Statistical Region Merging (SRM) (Nook and Nielson, 2004) is a clustering technique also used directly for image segmentation.
A region $R$ is a set of pixels and the cardinality $\lvert R \rvert$ determines how many pixels are in one region.
Starting with a sorted set of connected regions (w. r. t. some distance function $f$), two regions $R$ and $R'$ are merged if the qualification criteria $\vert \overline{R'}-\overline{R} \vert \leq \sqrt{b^2(R)+b^2(R')}$ with $b(R) = g \cdot \sqrt{\frac{\ln \frac{\mathcal{R}_{\lvert R \rvert}}{\delta}}{2Q\lvert R \rvert}}$ is fulfilled.
Therefore, $\mathcal{R}_{\lvert R \rvert}$ is the set of regions with $\lvert R \rvert$ pixels.
Typically $Q$ is chosen as $Q \in \lbrack 256, 1\rbrack$ and $\delta = \frac{1}{\lvert I \rvert^2}$.
The $Q$ parameter mainly influences the merging process. For an example, see the figure SRM Regions below. The lower the chosen value for $Q$, more coarse the regions become. Using a union-find structure, the segmentation does not need to be recalculated for each $Q$ level. For the step from $q$ to $\frac{q}{2}$, just the qualification criteria needs to be applied to the regions from the $q$ result. A MATLAB implementation is also available (Boltz, 2014).
[1] Nock R, Nielsen F. Statistical region merging. IEEE Transactions on PAMI. 2004;26:1452–8.
[2] Boltz S. Statistical region merging matlab implementation; 2014. Available
from: [ Matlab FileExchange] . Accessed 12 Dec 2013.
SRM Clustering
In our project, we used Statistical Region Merging for clustering. In contrast to other algorithms, such as k-means, this approach is highly deterministic.
For our purposes we only have one SRM run for $Q=256$.
In MATLAB, we use the previously mentioned code from MATLAB Fileexchange (Boltz, 2014).
For our Qt-based GUI we implemented the SRM method ourselves.
The SRM clustering reduces the amount of different colors in the image and hence eases the recognition of parts belonging together.
Qlevel = 256;