

Revision as of 00:34, 17 October 2014 by Patrickjhp (Talk | contribs)

[ {"Q":"Which bacterium is the main cause of oral cavities? (Hint: Project Overview!)","S":["Lactobacillus rhamnosus","Actinomyces naeslundi","Streptococcus sobrinus","Streptococcus mutans"],"A":"3"},

               {"Q":"What does this bacterium use for quorum sensing? (Hint: Control Target!)","S":["sRNA","CSP","Glucose","AHL"],"A":"1"},

{"Q":"We created a threshold sensor in HOPE, what part did we use? (Hint: Control Target!)","S":["Promoter","Terminator","Ribosome Binding Site","MicC Scaffold"],"A":"1"},

{"Q":"Why didn't HOPE just kill all the S. mutans in our mouth? (Hint: Modeling Competition!)","S":["It's impossible, S. mutans is too strong!","Other species will just take its place.","S. mutans is actually a good bacteria."],"A":"1"},

{"Q":"What is so scary about a biofilm? (Hint: Project Overview!)","S":["It anchors S. mutans on your teeth.","It creates a zone of isolation.","It protects S. mutans from outer forces.","All of the above!"],"A":"3"},




{"Q":"question10","S":["s1","s2","s3","s4"],"A":"1"} ]