October |
- tkt
- This week we wanted to do the enzyme assay for the SBPase.
- The purified enzyme from His-Tag purification werde concentrated and desalted with Amicon Ultra-15 with 10kD cut-off
- fba
- This week we wanted to do the enzyme assay for the SBPase.
- The purified enzyme from His-Tag purification werde concentrated and desalted with Amicon Ultra-15 with 10kD cut-off
- glpX
- This week we wanted to do the enzyme assay for the SBPase.
- The purified enzyme from His-Tag purification werde concentrated and desalted with Amicon Ultra-15 with 10kD cut-off
- prkA and ptac_Hneap
- We tried to bring the prkA with RBS behind our construct ptac_Hneap but it was not successful.
- prkA
- We tried to bring our prkA with RBS in pSB1C3.
- BioBrick Assembly (Suffix)
- Transformation with chemocompetent cells
- Plasmid isolation of [Construct]
- Restriction digestion with PstI and EcoRI
- Bands as expected (~2000 bp and ~1100 bp)