Team:EPF Lausanne/Team


Revision as of 16:01, 15 October 2014 by Ionepla (Talk | contribs)


We are a group of 13 students from the faculties of Life Sciences & Technologies and Computer Sciences,
and are supervised by 2 EPFL professors, 1 Lecturer and 5 PhD students.

Ted Baldwin

Ted Baldwin

“I’m pretty confident that it should work.”


Romane Breysse

Romane Breysse

“I'll be 5/8 of an hour late”


Içvara Barbier

Jin Chang

"We just realized we were using the wrong medium all along"


Axel De Tonnac

Axel de Tonnac

“I forgot to eat today”


Bastien Duckert

Bastien Duckert

“Need help. Instructions unclear: got stuck in the plate reader”


Arthur Giroux

Arthur Giroux

"Soy la pequeña Hillary Clinton"


Nikolaus Huwiler

Nikolaus Huwiler

“Imagine a world where technology is alive”


Sakura Nussbaum

Sakura Nussbaum

"Once I broke a guy's arm in kindergarten"


Lucie Petetin

Lucie Petetin

"Ooh, it's sooo cuuute"


Cécile Piot

Cécile Piot

“We need to change my quote”


Ione Pla

Ione Pla

"How about no"


Grégoire Repond

Grégoire Repond

"Alien, zwzwzwzw"


Thomas Simonet

Thomas Simonet

"Oh no, there are no chocolate muffins left"


    Maroun Bou Sleiman

    Maroun Bou Sleiman

    "This is my limit; look, I'm not smart, I'm not funny"


    Oleg Mikhajlov

    Oleg Mikhajlov

    "Is everything alright, guys?"


    Ekaterina Petrova

    Ekaterina Petrova

    "I owe you another beer"


    Rachana Pradhan

    Rachana Pradhan

    "I don't want to flirt with the mean old lady!"


    Antonio Meireles Filho

    Antonio Meireles Filho

    PostDoc Life Sciences


    Bart Deplanke

    Bart Deplanke

    "Make a list"


    Barbara Grisoni

    Barbara Grisoni-Neupert

    “Do you talk about iGem when you meet the guys?”


    Sebastian Maerkl

    Sebastian Maerkl

    “I'm thinking about science”

