May 29
Followed Charlie’s Cloning Protocols to prepare chemically competent E. Coli
- Once E. Coli were prepared, the solution was aliquoted into 12 labeled tubes (450l in each tube) and tubes were stored in iGEM box in -80C cooler on far left
Next Steps:
- Transformation
June 1
Transformation of CCEC with RFP Construct of varying concentrations+control with no DNA
- Followed Charlie’s Cloning Protocols
- Mistakenly used all of DNA construct from the kit… So not sure if the transformation will be successful
- Plated the transformed DNA and put in incubator at 37C
- Results (6/2/14)--Transformation unsuccessful because improper procedure was done by MFaw
Next Steps:
- Look at plates, compare cultures
June 2
Due to my failure to correctly conduct the transformation yesterday, it was necessary to redo the transformation.
- Followed Charlie’s Cloning Protocols
- Added 1 ul of .5, 5, 10, 20, 50, and 0 (control) pg/lof RFP Construct to chemically competent E. Coli (CCEC), and followed procedure
- Plated the transformed DNA on 6 separate plates, put in 37C overnight
- Results: (6/3/14)-Transformation unsuccessful. Try the transformation again with Charlie’s cells and with new cells grown using iGEM’s protocol
Next Steps:
- Look at plates, compare cultures, etc.
June 4
Prepare SOB Medium for bacterial transformation
- Protocol from iGEM’s parts website
- Made 1 L, autoclaved and stored in two 500 mL containers in cold room
- medium still appeared cloudy before autoclave--may just be new recipe
Prepare CCMB 80 Buffer for making chemically competent E. coli cells
- Protocol from iGEM’s parts website
- Made 1 L, filtered and stored in two 500 mL containers in cold room
- pH 6.34 (overshot a few times pH adjustment, but no noticeable precipitate formed
Autoclave two 500 mL culture flasks
- For CCEC protocol
- With water inside to remove detergent residues
Next steps:
- Prepare CCEC
The second (and more properly conducted) attempt to transform the CCEC with RFP construct BBa_J04450 from 6/2 failed. Today, we are trying to see if we can get any transformed cells to grow in plates.
- Followed Charlie’s Cloning protocols,with slight modifications
- Added 5 lof 0 (control) and 50pg/lRFP Construct BBa_J04450 to Charlie’s chemically competent E. Coli, and followed procedure
- Plated the transformed DNA on 2 separate plates, put in put in 37C overnight
- Results: No colonies grew (6/5/14)
Next Steps:
- Examine plates to see if any cultures grew
- Attempt the transformation with the cell cultures growns using iGEM’s standard protocols that can be found here:
- Lab currently in the process of making these CCEC
Prepare pdCas9 and pCsy4 to be miniprepped tomorrow
- Put pdCas9 into a culture tube with 5ml SOC+Chloramphenicol
- Put pCsy4 in a culture tube with 5ml SOC+Amp
- Left both to shake at 37C to grow the plasmid DNA--Charlie will retrieve them
Next steps:
- Miniprep plasmid DNA
June 5
Results: Plates transformed 6/4 had no colonies (see for results)
Stored glycerol stocks (15% glycerol) of pdCas9 (A1) and pdCas9 (A2) at -80
Miniprep our pdCas9 and pCsy4
- We miniprepped both pdCas9 and pCsy4 following standard protocol included in the miniprep kit. We were unsure of how successful our miniprep of pdCas9 would be because it was low copy.
- We took our own miniprep kit, prepared all solutions necessary, and labeled as ours. Use this miniprep kit from now on.
- We analyzed the concentrations of our plasmids with the spectrophotometer.
- Results (6/5/14): Both minipreps were successful, with pdCas9 at concentration 103.4 ng/ulpCsy4 at concentration 138.1ng/ul
- Stored in iGEM 2014 Box 1, A1 and A2
Next steps:
- Wait for oligos ordered 6/4/14 in order to use these plasmids in construction.
June 6
Results: the colonies that we left to grow in 2mL of SOB medium in the shaker at 37C didn’t grow…. Not sure if there’s a problem with the SOB medium, the cells, etc. Today we’ll try growing various bacteria in the SOB medium to try to figure out what went wrong
- Followed standard PCR procedure on the pdCas9
- 0.5 uL Phusion HF polymerase/reaction
- 0.25 uL each oligo
- 1 uL dNTP mix
- Oligo 5: 5p-EcoR1-Xbal-Rpt
- Oligo 6: Spe1-Repeat-3p
Note: Created new box called iGEM Cloning Project. dNTP’s in A1, and EcoR1-Xbal-Rptg-Rpt-Spe1-PCR in A2
PCR was successful, with concentration 115.4 ng/ul. Pooled 3x50uL reactions with PCR cleanup protocol and eluted in to 40uL dH2O
Next steps:
- Digest and transformation for biobrick submission
June 16
Analytical restriction digest and agarose gel of plasmids
- pSB1C3-BBa_K741002-1 in EcoRI-HF/SpeI-HF (expected 2.0, 1.0 kb bands)
- pSB1C3-BBa_K741002-2 in EcoRI-HF/SpeI-HF (expected 2.0, 1.0 kb bands)
- pSB1C3-BBa_J06702-1 in EcoRI-HF/SpeI-HF (expected 2.0, 0.9 kb bands)
- pSB1C3-BBa_J06702-2 in EcoRI-HF/SpeI-HF (expected 2.0, 0.9 kb bands)
- pSB1C3-BBa_R0040-1 in EcoRI-HF/SpeI-HF (expected 2.0, 0.1 kb bands)
- pSB1C3-BBa_R0040-2 in EcoRI-HF/SpeI-HF (expected 2.0, 0.1 kb bands)
- pSB1C3-BBa_K741002-1 in PvuII-HF (expected 1.8, 0.8, 0.4 kb bands)
- pSB1C3-BBa_K741002-2 in PvuII-HF (expected 1.8, 0.8, 0.4 kb bands)
- pSB1C3-BBa_J06702-1 in PvuII-HF (expected 2.0, 1.0 kb bands)
- pSB1C3-BBa_J06702-2 in PvuII-HF (expected 2.0, 1.0 kb bands)
- pSB1C3-BBa_R0040-1 in PvuII-HF (expected 2.1 kb band)
- pSB1C3-BBa_R0040-2 in PvuII-HF (expected 2.1 kb band)
- Results: All lanes look as expected. Confirmation that stocks are correct.
- Previous minipreps and other tubes resulting from unconfirmed versions of these plasmids have been thrown out. The one exception is the successful PCR of RBS-mCherry-Term from BBa_J06702
- Gel picture:
Objective: Obtain pSB1C3 backbone for various transformations
Prep-scale digest of pSB1C3-BBa_K741002
- Using XbaI and SpeI-HF in cutsmart buffer
- 45 uL template in 100 uL reaction
Prep-scale digest of pSB1C3-Bba_R0040
- Using EcoRI-HF and SpeI-HF in cutsmart buffer
- 45 uL template in 100 uL reaction
Gel extraction of digests to obtain pSB1C3 backbone
- Cut top band from K741002(left on picture)
- 240mg gel, eluted in 20uL H2O
- Cut only visible band from R0040(right on picture)
- Cleaned in 2 tubes(200mg each), eluted in 10+10=20uL H2O
- Cleaned up using Zymoclean prep kit
- Used 300uL wash buffer instead of 200uL for extra clean
- Gel picture:
Objective: Remove BbsI site from mCherry
SLIC transformations from 6/15(Charlie) showed colonies on the experimental plate as well as on the no-insert control
Cultured 6 colonies from plate for miniprep
- Each in 5mL LB+Cm at 37C
- In hopes of getting at least one mutated sequence
Cut BBa_J06702 with BbsI to try assembly again
- 4-hour digest with BbsI in NEBuffer 2.1 and BSA
- 45uL template in 100uL reaction
- Gel picture:
PCR cleanup of BbsI cut BBa_J06702
- Qiagen kit
- Final concentration 83.9 ng/uL
Objective: Create pDGC3 construct
PCR of plac-RBS-GFP-A-Z from BBa_K741002
- Used fresh Q5 polymerase and buffer
- template pSB1C3-BBa_K741002 diluted to 1 ng/uL
- 4 tubes with 0, 0.4, 0.7, and 1.0 template
- Oligos pSB1C3-up and GFP-A-Z-3p
- iGEM protocol, extension time 30 sec, 65C anneal temp
Agarose gel of PCR product
- Results: PCR appears to have worked (expected band size 1.0 kb)
- Gel picture:
PCR cleanup
- Qiagen kit
- Final concentration 161.1 ng/uL in 30 uL
- SLIC of pSB1C3 SpeI/XbaI cut with G-block
- SLIC of pSB1C3 J06702 BbsI cut with oligos for mutation
- SLIC of pSB1C3-SpeI/XbaI cut with GFP PCR and mCherry PCR
- Ligation of pSB1C3 SpeI/EcoRI cut with Repeat-seq-Repeat PCR
- Possibly try Gibson of G-block assembly as well
- Possibly transform biobrick 4-4G (Bba_B0030 in pSB1C3)
- As a way to get pSB1C3 without gel extractions
- Miniprep cultures of mCherry possible mutants
- Cut with BbsI and another enzyme to test for successful mutants
June 17
Miniprep six colonies containing pSB1C3-BBa_J06702 with possible ∆BbsI
- Qiagen kit
- Concentrations (1-6): 284.5, 257.8, 268.2, 255.9, 242.2, 257.1 ng/uL
Analytical restriction digest and agarose gel of six possible ∆BbsI mutants
- pSB1C3-J06702 (nonmutant control) cut with EcoRI-HF
- pSB1C3-J06702 (nonmutant control) cut with BbsI/EcoRI-HF
- pSB1C3-J06702 B1 cut with EcoRI-HF
- pSB1C3-J06702 B1 cut with BbsI/EcoRI-HF
- pSB1C3-J06702 B2 cut with EcoRI-HF
- pSB1C3-J06702 B2 cut with BbsI/EcoRI-HF
- pSB1C3-J06702 B3 cut with EcoRI-HF
- pSB1C3-J06702 B3 cut with BbsI/EcoRI-HF
- pSB1C3-J06702 B4 cut with EcoRI-HF
- pSB1C3-J06702 B4 cut with BbsI/EcoRI-HF
- pSB1C3-J06702 B5 cut with EcoRI-HF
- pSB1C3-J06702 B5 cut with BbsI/EcoRI-HF
- pSB1C3-J06702 B6 cut with EcoRI-HF
- pSB1C3-J06702 B6 cut with BbsI/EcoRI-HF
- Expected single band at 3.0 kb in EcoRI cuts
- Successful mutants expected BbsI/EcoRI cuts to match EcoRI-only cuts
- Unsuccessful nonmutants expected 2.5, 0.5 kb bands in BbsI/EcoRI cuts
- Results: All six colonies unsuccessful (two bands in BbsI/EcoRI cut)
- All controls looked as expected
- gel picture:
Objective: Create various plasmids by Ligation/SLIC
Ligation to create pSB1C3-Repeat-seq scaffold
- 100 ng pSB1C3 cut with EcoRI/SpeI = 0.4 uL @ 30 ng/uL
- 30 ng Repeat-seq PCR = 0.4 uL @ 77 ng/uL
- No-backbone and no-insert controls
SLIC to create pSB1C3-Csy4-gRNA-scaffold
- 100 ng pSB1C3 cut with SpeI/XbaI = 1.1 uL @ 91 ng/uL
- 30 ng (3xmolar) G-block PCR = 0.2 uL @ 167 ng/uL
- No-backbone and no-insert controls
SLIC to create pDGC3 (with GFP and mCherry in pSB1C3)
- 100 ng pSB1C3 cut with SpeI/XbaI = 1.1 uL @ 91 ng/uL
- 150 ng (3xmolar) GFP-A-Z PCR = 2.5 uL @ 61 ng/uL
- 150 ng (3xmolar) mCherry PCR = 1.1 uL @ 132.8 ng/uL
- No-insert control (no-backbone shared with Csy4 SLIC)
SLIC to remove BbsI from pSB1C3-J06702
- 100 ng pSB1C3-J06702 cut with BbsI = 1.2 uL @ 83.9 ng/uL
- Oligos mCherry-BbsI-left and mCherry-BbsI-right (0.5 uL each)
- No insert and no-backbone controls
- SLICs may have been left on ice too long (>10 mins) before cells were added
- Large number of tubes for pipetting made timing uneven
- All 11 samples plated on LB+Cm plates
Objective: Test CCEC from 6/12/14
Transformed uncut plasmid (pSB1C3-J06702-B5) with new CCEC
- 4 different concentrations (1/10 dilutions each):
- 200 ng, 20 ng, 2 ng, and 0.2 ng
- Each in 10 uL tubes
- Plated on LB+Cm
June 18
Charlie’s plate protocol
- Mixed 1L Agar+LB, Autoclaved on liquid cycle
- Let cool while stirring, added 1x Chloroamphenicol
- Poured plates, let solidify
Objective: Check and culture from transformations 6/17
- Ligation of Repeat-seq construct to pSB1C3
- No colonies on experimental or either control
- SLIC of G-block (Csy4 construct) into pSB1C3
- No colonies on experimental or either control
- SLIC of pDGC3 (pSB1C3-pLac-GFP-mCherry)
- ~10 colonies on experimental plate
- ~6 colonies on Insert-only control, none on Backbone-only
- SLIC of pSB1C3-J06702 ∆BbsI
- ~100-200 colonies on experimental plate
- ~60 colonies on Backbone-only control, none on Insert-only
- CCEC Test
- Mat of colonies covering plates with 200ng, 20ng, and 2ng plasmid
- ~2000 colonies covering plate with 0.2ng plasmid
- Results: competency 10,000 colonies/ng (high success rate)
Culture colonies overnight from successful SLICs
- 6 cultures from pDGC3 (pSB1C3-pLac-GFP-mCherry) (labelled 1-6)
- 6 cultures from pSB1C3-J06702-∆BbsI (labelled 7-12)
- All in LB+Cm at 37C
Objective: Build pSB1C3-Repeat-crRNA-Repeat and pSB1C3-rCsy4-sgRNA-rCsy4)
PCR of Repeat-crRNA-Repeat from pdCas9
- Oligos 5p-EcoRI-XbaI-Repeat and SpeI-Repeat-3p
- Using iGEM stock of Q5 polymerase and buffer
- 4x50uL reactions, with template 0, 0.4, 0.7, and 1.0 uL
- 30sec extension, 63C anneal
PCR of G-block (rCsy4-sgRNA-rCsy4)
Agarose gel of both PCR products
- Lanes 1-4: Repeat-crRNA-Repeat PCR
- Lanes 5-8: rCsy4-sgRNA-rCsy4 PCR
- Results: strong bands in all six experimental tubes.
- Smear upward could indicate problems, but probably correct
- Control for Csy4 (Lane 5) alone showed strong band at 1kb, no explanation
gel picture:
PCR cleanup of both PCR products
- Qiagen kit
- Final concentrations in Elution Buffer (via nanodrop):
- Repeat-crRNA-Repeat PCR 30 uL at 131.7 ng/uL
- rCsy4-sgRNA-rCsy4 PCR 30 uL at 202 ng/uL
Prep-scale restriction digest of pSB1C3 backbone
- Used 70 uL combined from tubes of pSB1C3-J06702-∆BbsI (6/17)
- Shown to be without mutation on 6/17
- XbaI/SpeI-HF in cutsmart buffer for 4 hours
- extracted larger (2.0kb) band from agarose gel
gel picture:
Gel cleanup of pSB1C3 backbone
- Used Qiagen kit instead of Zymoclean (first time)
- No isopropanol or sodium acetate necessary
- 340 mg of gel eluted into 30 uL Elution Buffer
- Final concentration 235 ng/uL (via nanodrop)
Gibson Assembly of two plasmids
- pSB1C3-rCsy4-sgRNA-rCsy4
- 100 ng = 0.42 uL pSB1C3 backbone cut with Xbal/SpeI
- 50 ng = 5xMolar = 0.25 uL G-block PCR
- pSB1C3-Repeat-crRNA-Repeat
- 100 ng = 0.42 uL pSB1C3 backbone cut with Xbal/SpeI
- 50 ng = 5xMolar = 0.38 uL Repeat-seq PCR
- Backbone-only control, insert-only controls for each reaction, positive control
- Transformed using iGEM CCEC, Plated on LB+Cm
June 19
Miniprep Colonies
- Qiagen Set
- Concentrations of ∆Bbs1 site mutation (7-12) (ng/μL): 192.6, 235.7, 279.3, 239.8, 238.6, 203.8
- Concentrations of pDGC3 (1-6) (ng/μL): 229.6, 301.9, 202.3, 206.6, 225.5, 259.1
Test Plasmids with Gel Digest
- Gel 1: log-2 ladder
- Gel 2-7: ∆Bbs1 site mutation 7-12 tested with EcoR1-HF
- Gel 8-13: pDGC3 1-6 tested with Spe1-HF
- Gel 14-19: ∆Bbs1 site mutation 7-12 tested with EcoR1-HF and Bbs1
- Gel 20-25: pDGC3 1-6 tested with Asc1 and Nhe1-HF
gel picture:
Objective: Observe Ligation Colony Results and Culture Test Colonies
Observe Plates
- Csy4-sgRNA-Csy4 Scaffold: 6 colonies
- Repeat-seq-Repeat Scaffold: 7 colonies
- Gibson positive control: 6 colonies
- Backbone-only: 1 colony
- Insert only: No colonies
Culture Test Colonies
- Cultured 3 Cys4-sgRNA-Cys4 Scaffold colonies
- Cultured 3 Repeat-seq-Repeat Scaffold colonies
June 20
Miniprep Colonies
- Qiagen Set
- Concentrations of Cys4-sgRNA-Cys4 Scaffold (1-3) (ng/μL): 168.4, 165.9, 220
- Concentrations of Repeat-seq-Repeat Scaffold (1-3) (ng/μL): 216.9, 84.0, 226.9
Test Plasmids with Gel Digest
- Gel 1: log-2 ladder
- Gel 2-4: Repeat-seq-Repeat Scaffold 1-3 tested with Acs1 and Nhe1-HF
- Gel 5-7: Cys4-sgRNA-Cys4 Scaffold 1-3 tested with EcoR1-HF and Bbs1
- Gel 8-10: pDGC3 1-6 tested with EcoR1-HF and Bbs1
- Gel 11-13: pDGC3 1-6 tested with EcoR1-HF and Mfe1-HF
gel picture:
Objective: Remove Bbs1 site from mCherry using SLIC
Prepare and Dephosphorylate Bbs1-cut mCherry-pSB1C3
- Used official NEB protocol of Calf intestinal protein on Bbs1-cut mCherry-pSB1C3 plasmid
- Purified DNA with miniprep with a concentration of 27 ng/μL
SLIC out the Bbs1 site using change oligos
- SLIC performed as per standard protocol with the mCherry-∆Bbs1-up and mCherry-∆Bbs1-down oligos on prepared plasmid
- Backbone only and insert only controls prepared
Transform into Chemically competent cells
- Heat shocked and incubated, then plated as per standard protocol
Objective: Create pDGC3 with Gibson Assembly
Perform Gibson Assembly to create pDGC3 plasmid
- Gibson assembly done with pSB1C3 backbone and GFP and mCherry PCR-amplified inserts
- Backbone-only, insert-only and positive controls also prepared
- Gibson master mix not included on insert-only
Transform assemblies into cells
- Heat shocked and incubated, then plated as per standard protocol
June 21
Took plates out of incubator and left at room temperature
June 22
Observe plates
- Choose four colonies to grow over
Incubate Colonies
- Colonies grown in LB+Cm overnight