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Home Team Official Team Profile Project Parts Modeling Notebook Safety Attributions

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Week 9

Week 10

Week 11

Week 12

Week 13

Week 14

Week 15

Week One

Tuesday, 6/17/14

  • Get acquainted with summer logistics and lab basics
  • Clean up lab space, stock lab supplies

Wednesday, 6/18/14

  • Continue to discuss project and clean up lab space
  • Designed PCR primers for combinatorial promoters subproject

Thursday, 6/19/14

  • Formulated plasmid design (pAA001) for the response regulation subproject
  • PCR run on plasmid backbone and sfGFP to create constructs with the proper overhangs for Gibson assembly
  • Gel electrophoresis for confirmation of PCR products' length

  • With the exception of the lacI gene, PCR products were confirmed via gel electrophoresis

Friday, 6/20/14

  • Purification of PCR products created yesterday
  • Gibson assembly of purified products
  • Transformation of Gibson-assembled plasmids into JM109 E. coli
  • Meeting with Prof. Murray to discuss give an update on the project

  • Colonies were found and picked after transformation and incubation.