

Revision as of 20:32, 14 October 2014 by Lß0810 (Talk | contribs)

E. Cowli - Fighting Climate Change - iGEM 2014 Team Braunschweig


Degrading methane and saving the Earth – that sounds all great, but how can we evaluate the feasibility of our project before it has been turned into reality? We generated a mathematical model by combining data achieved experimentally and taken from previously published literature. This way we are able to address important questions providing information on the implementation of our methane-utilizing bacterium, such as the amount needed for efficient degradation and the costs coming along with it.

Spreading the Word

Modeling Approach

Our Modeling Approach is just awesome! You don´t have to read it, just trust us, it´s mind blowing.

Mathematical Model

Just as our Modeling Approach, the Mathematical Model we designed is also f**king awesome!


Here you can find our Code. 12345678654 32345678654326 7835882673936 4493425498451544856645 484544954 494 45443545934 8934

Our Supporters

  • Biolegio Logo
  • BMBF Logo
  • Bürgerstiftung Braunschweig Logo
  • DBT Logo
  • Machery Nagel Logo
  • Promega Logo
  • Teach4TU Logo
  • Yumab Logo
  • Teach4TU Logo
  • Teach4TU Logo