Building your own OD/F device
Table 1: Number of pieces, components and costs for building your own OD/F device
number of pieces | components | costs [$] | order e.g. from
1 | arduino UNO R3 | 12.66 |
2 | light to frequency sensor TSL 235R | 5.90 |
1 | display 2x16 l2C | 18.97 |
2 | LEDs | 2.50 |
1 | taster | 5.23 |
1 | filter slide | 5.20 |
20 | jumper-wire-cable | 2.36 |
2 | small breadboards | 3.00 |
1 | power supply | 5.00 |
1 | case | 20.24 |
2 | cuvettes-holder | 15.95 |
- | odds and ends like header sockt/pins | 2.52 | -
- | total | 99.53 | -