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fig. 4: Scenario for wind power station

fig. 5: Scenario for cars

The main idea of our project is to store the energy which is produced at times of a day when too much energy is produced. For example there is an energy peak at night at wind parks which cannot be stored efficiently. This leads to our first application (Note for following application figures: yellow means electricity, gray means carbon dioxide, green means isobutanol). We think of combining our production system with a wind engine (figure 4). Energy can be used together with atmospheric carbon dioxide to produce a product which can be transported conventionally. This system is also possible for other energy production sites like hydroelectric power stations or solar energy electric power stations. Additionally we think of fabrication of isobutanol while driving. Organization and functioning is shown in figure 5. Solar panels or the current of the car battery can be used together with the exhaust fumes of the car to produce isobutanol. The isobutanol will be added drop by drop to the fuel to replace the gas. This will increase the range of milage. At the moment we establish a cooperation with car producer companies. This application might be also possible for ships (figure 6) or space stations (figure 7). The NASA already send bacteria to the space to do experiments with them. The advantage for the space station is that the anthropogenically produced carbon dioxide is used together with electricity produced by solar sails to generate a useful product. A third idea would be to mount our project on industrial production sites which could be for example a varnish producer. A main part of varnish is isobutanol. Industrial production leads to fumes where carbon dioxide could be extracted (figure 8). Together with electricity which is produced by solar panels isobutanol will be produced. Now we additionally think of more applications at sites with carbon dioxide excess which could be for example produced by the CCS (Carbon Capture & Storage) technology. This manifold application possibilities lead to many different personas.
The needed changes for our system seems big but to add the system to a wind engine nearly no changes are needed. It is simply possible to settle the production system next to the engines to produce isobutanol. It is also imaginable to integrate the system into the wind engine stem. An application at industrial production sites can be achieved as easy as for the wind engine. By adding a fermenter, containing our modified organisms, on the envelope of a space station it is possible to implement the system. A new construction plan has to be developed for cars or ships because the system has to be integrated into existing parts.

fig. 6: Scenario for ships

fig. 7: Scenario for space stations

fig. 8: Scenario for industry