Team:Evry/Interlab Study/08-28-2014


Revision as of 00:40, 20 September 2014 by Laurabibi (Talk | contribs)


Contruction n°1: PSB1C3 with I20260

Contruction n°2: PSB1C3 with J23101-E1010

Contruction n°3: PSB1C3 with K823012-E1010

PCR colony was done on 7 colonies:
  1. Steril H2O:34,5µL
  2. 5X Q5 Reaction buffer: 10µL
  3. Template:2µL
  4. 10mM dNTP: 1µL
  5. 10µM Primer forward VF2: 1µL
  6. 10µM Primer reverse VR: 1µL
  7. Q5 DNA Polymerase: 0,5µL

A migration of PCR product was done. We expect to observe in each wells a band of 1176bp:
image not found
6 colonies have a band at 1200 bp around so we decided to make the measurement with the third colony which was sent to sequence with the number of identification 26EA05 and 26EA06

Other constructions of the Anderson library of constitutive promoters

Promoters were resuspended from 2014 distribution kit plates with 10 µl of sterile MiliQ watter and stored at -20°C.
Table: Additional promoters of the Interlab Study. In grey, plasmids already resuspended, transformed, sequenced and stock glycerol existed.

Aug 28