Team:Evry/Interlab Study/08-28-2014



Contruction n°2: PSB1C3 with J23101-E1010

Contruction n°3: PSB1C3 with K823012-E1010

PCR colony was done on 7 colonies:
  1. Steril H2O:34,5µL
  2. 5X Q5 Reaction buffer: 10µL
  3. Template:2µL
  4. 10mM dNTP: 1µL
  5. 10µM Primer forward VF2: 1µL
  6. 10µM Primer reverse VR: 1µL
  7. Q5 DNA Polymerase: 0,5µL

A migration of PCR product was done. We expect to observe in each wells a band of 1176bp:
image not found

6 colonies have a band at 1200 bp around so we decided to choose colonies n°2, 3 and 4.

Other constructions of the Anderson library of constitutive promoters

Promoters were resuspended from 2014 distribution kit plates with 10 µl of sterile MiliQ watter and stored at -20°C.
Table: Additional promoters of the Interlab Study. In grey, plasmids already resuspended, transformed, sequenced and stock glycerol existed.

Aug 28