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You can write a background of your team here. Give us a background of your team, the members, etc. Or tell us more about something of your choosing.</p>
You can look at what other teams did to get some inspiration! Here are a few examples:</p>
<li><a href="">2013 Evry</a></li>
<li><a href="">2013 Cornell</a></li>
<li><a href="">2013 UANL Mty-Mexico</a></li>
<li><a href="">2013 Korea U Seoul</a></li>
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<li> Include pictures of your teammates, don’t forget instructors and advisors! </li>
<li> You can add a small biography or a few words from each team member, tell us what you like, and what motivates to participate in iGEM. </li>
<li>Take team pictures! Show us your school, your lab and little bit of your city.</li>
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              <a href="#kun" class="button" id="subbutton">Chenkun Wang</a></br>
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<b>Name</b>:  Chenkun Wang(王晨坤)<br />
<b>Age</b>: 21  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
<b>Major</b>: Condensed Matter Physics<br />
<b>Grade</b>: Senior Undergraduate<br />
<b>Division of labor</b>: Basic construction of software, software coding, GUI<br />
<b>Email</b>:<br />
<b>Brief Intro:</b>
Chenkun Wang is a senior undergraduate majoring in condensed matter physics. As a team leader of USTC-Software, he participated in nearly every part of project. He not only accomplished the basic construction of software, but also was responsible for the development of starter module as well as the database fetching coding. What's more, he completed the GUI of our software with the help of Shuai Ma.
After nearly half year's working for the competition of iGEM_2013_Software, he became overwhelming interested in command line and simulation. He will graduate next year and he hopes to continue such work in his future studies. His dream is to pursue a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering.</p>
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<b>Name</b>: Jinyang Li  (李进阳)<br />
<b>Age</b>: 21  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
<b>Major</b>: Theoretical Physics<br />
<b>Grade</b>: Junior Undergraduate<br />
<b>Division of labor</b>: Software coding, design<br />
<b>Email</b>:<br />
<b>Brief Intro:</b>
Jinyang Li is a junior undergraduate majoring in Theoretical Physics. He is responsible for the development of network analysis module. He has reviewed some key literatures to provide theoretical support for the project. He also designed the prediction algorithm together with Chenkun Wang and improved it. In the development process, Jinyang has found an interesting phenomenon in the gene regulation network of Escherichia coli and prepared to study it further. He also made contribution to art design of the project.<br />
At school, he is a director of a volunteer organization. Because of the work of the iGEM competition, he got interested in complex network and prepared to join the Nonlinear Science and Complex System Center(NLSC) of USTC.</p>
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<b>Name</b>:Pei Zhang (张沛)<br />
<b>Age</b>:19<br />
<b>Major</b>:Computer Sciences and Technology<br />
<b>Grade</b>:Sophomore Undergraduate<br />
<b>Division of labor</b>:team manager<br />
<b>Email</b>:<br />
<b>Breif Intro:</b><br />
Pei Roc Zhang is a sophomore undergraduate from the School of Computer Science and Technology. When joining the iGem_2013_Software_Team, he was a freshman undergraduate from the School of Life Sciences who loved CS. As a member of the team, he participates in software development and modifies English documents. What's more, as the manager of the team, he is in charge of all the fincial work and other small chores.<br />
As a sophomore who has just transfered to CS department, he is now struggling for a better academic performance and seeking for offers from top research facilities in the world in the near two years. </p>
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<b>Name</b>: Xingyu Liao (廖星宇)<br />
<b>Age</b>: 19<br />
<b>Major</b>: Theoretical Physics<br />
<b>Grade</b>: Junior Undergraduate<br />
<b>Email</b>:<br />
<b>Brief Info :</b><br />
He was in Department of Earth and Space Sciences when he was a freshman. He transferred to Department of Physics after the first academic year. He joined the USTC_software team out of interests in CS and was in charge of genetic network calculation division. The experience of working in igem team is really exciting, for he met a lot of people here and they worked as a team. He also learnt something new by himself and had a new vision on biology.
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<b>Name</b>: Shaohua Chen <br />
<b>Division of labor</b>:wiki<br />
<b>Email</b>:<br />
<b>Brief Intro:</b><br />
  Hello,I am Shaohua Chen ,an undergraduate in USTC. Before joining in 2013 USTC-Software ,I knew little about the Internet.To change this bad situation ,I was determined to join in USTC-Software where I could not only learn Internet but also know more biology.So  it's an honour for me to cooperate  with many gifted and responsible teammates ,from whom I learned a lot. In the team , I am in charge of the wiki,during the process ,I find that a person's ability is limited,teamwork makes our work more efficient.
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<b>Name</b>:Jinjing Yi (易津晶)<br />
<b>Age</b>:20<br />
<b>Major</b>:Theoretical Physics<br />
<b>Grade</b>:Junior Undergraduate<br />
<b>Division of labor</b>:PSO, design, diary, Human Practice<br />
<b>Email</b>:<br />
Jinjing Yi is a junior undergraduate majoring in Theoretical Physics. She participated in the prediction part and finished the first version of partical swarm opimization algorithm. She is also responsible for diary writing and Human Practice.During this summer, she became interested in photoshop and helped design the team logo. Joining in this happy team made her more confident and more energetic.<br />
She used to be a member in student union and meanwhile focused on her academic learning. In the last two years, she decided to join in the research in theory of condensed matter physics.
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<b>Name</b>:Haosen Tan (谈浩森)<br />
<b>Age</b>:20  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
<b>Grade</b>: Sophomore undergraduate<br />
<b>Major</b>: Physics <br />   
<b>Division of Labor:</b>
Software coding, debugging and releasing the software, tutorial<br />
<b>Email</b>:<br />
<b>Brief Intro</b>: 
A student from school of physics with much debug experience and debug skill.  when joining the team, he was a freshman undergraduate. 
As a member of the team, he participates in software development and writes some English documents, for example, the tutorial and Quikstart. What's more, as the one of programmers of the team, he is in charge of debugging and releasing the software on different platform such as Windows, Mac OS X, Linux.<br /> 
He is now struggling for a better academic platform to learn something and share something. In addition, he firmly believes USTC-Software will do a good job in the Asia jamboree and World jamboree!
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<b>Name</b> : Shuai Ma (马帅)<br />
<b>Major</b> : Nuclear Science and Technology<br />
<b>Grade</b> : Junior Undergraduate<br />
<b>Division of labor </b>: GUI<br />
<b>Email</b>:<br />
<b>Breif Intro :</b><br />
Shuai Ma is a junior undergraduate from the School of Nuclear Science and Technology. In the team he is in charge of designing GUI with Qt . With little knowledge in C++, the job was a real challenge for him, yet he accomplished it with great determination and dedication. In everyday life, he enjoys all kinds of ball games while soccer ball is his favorite. 
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<b>Name</b>:Monan Zhou (周墨南)<br />
<b>Age</b>:20<br />
<b>Major</b>:Mathematical Sciences<br />
<b>Grade</b>:Sophomore Undergraduate<br />
<b>Division of labor</b>:Wiki<br />
<b>Email</b>:<br />
<b>Brief Intro</b>:<br />
Monan Zhou is a sophomore undergraduate from the School of Mathematical Sciences. When joining the 2013 USTC-Software, he was a freshman undergraduate from the School of Life Sciences who loved Math. As a member of the team, he participates in wiki.
As a sophomore who has just transferred to School of Mathematical Sciences, he is now struggling for a better academic performance and seeking for offers from top research facilities in the world in the near two years.
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<b>Name</b>:Hao Xu (徐浩)<br />
<b>Age</b>:19<br />
<b>Major</b>:Phisical Sciences<br />
<b>Grade</b>:Sophomore Undergraduate<br />
<b>Division of labor</b>:Data visualization<br />
<b>Email</b>:<br />
<b>Breif Intro:</b><br />
Hao Xu  is always interested in lots of things,such as programming,airplane models and so on.Hao was in charge of the visualizition of data with java.In USTC-Software,he find that biology is even insteresting and he learned a lot.By the way ,He is too lazy to write a self intro...<a href="">learn more</a>
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<b>Name</b>: Tianhao Zhang (张天昊)<br />
<b>Age</b>: 20<br />
<b>Major</b>:  Biophysics<br />
<b>Grade</b>: Junior Undergraduate<br />
<b>Division of labor</b>: Clotho App<br />
<b>Email</b>:<br />
<b>Brief Intro:</b><br />
Tianhao Zhang is a junior undergraduate majoring in biophysics. However he didn’t have much biology training because of the junior grade. He is responsible for the little java application which is independence from our major program. He also helped Xinyu Liao to build the modle of network and find suitable equation used in network analysis.<br />
Besides biology, He is also interested in computer science so he studied dual degree in school. He think iGEM software is a great program to combine computer science and biology together. That’s why he joined in and became a member of us.
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<b>Name</b>: Chen  Shao (邵辰)<br />
<b>Age</b>: 19<br />
<b>Major</b>:Mathematical Sciences<br />
<b>Grade</b>: Junior Undergraduate<br />
<b>Division of Labor</b>: Algorithm and coding<br />
<b>Email</b><br />
<b>Brief Intro:</b><br />
Chen Shao, as a junior student major in mathematics, is interested in learning in and out of major area. Without training in biology, she just joined in with passion and persistence. She is participating in the later stage of the genetic network application, such as calculating for an optimal solution of the gene. In her job, she combined classical algorithms and our networks’ features, in order to optimize the codes and results. In her eyes, it is a happy and enjoyable process with excellent partners.
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<b>name</b>:Haiyan Liu<br />
Professor, School of Life Sciences University of Science &amp; Technology of China<br />
<b>Email</b>:<br />
<b>Brief Intro</b><br />
Haiyan Liu was born in Sichuan Province, China. He received his BS degree in Biology in 1990 and PhD degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in 1996, both from USTC. Between 1993 and 1995 he was a visiting graduate student in Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of ETH, Zurich (Switzerland). From 1998 to 2000 he was post-doctoral research associate at Department of Chemistry, Duke University (USA) and Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics UNC-Chapel Hill (USA). Since 2001, he has been a professor of computational biology at School of Life Sciences, USTC.
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<b>name</b>:Jiong Hong<br />
Professor, School of Life Sciences University of Science &amp; Technology of China<br />
<b>Email</b>:<br />
<b>Brief Intro:</b><br />
Jiong Hong was born in Anhui Province, China. He received his BS degree in 1993 from Anhui Normal University, MSc degree in 1996 from Beijing Normal University, and Ph.D degree in 2003 from Kyoto University, all in Life Sciences. From 2006 to 2008, he did post-doctoral research in Virginia Tech University, USA. Since 2008, he has been introduced to the USTC as talented.
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<b>name</b>:Zhi Liang<br />
<b>Email</b><br />
<b>Brief Intro:</b><br />
Liang Zhi, Ph.D., Associate Professor Extraordinary . 2000 graduated from the school of Life Sciences in the University of Science and Technology of China, received bachelor's degree in biology and electronics and information engineering dual degree. 2006 graduated from the school of Life Sciences in the University of Science and Technology of China protein crystallography laboratory , PhD. From 2007 to 2012 in the school of Life Sciences in the University of Science and Technology of China Systems Biology Laboratory in systems biology postdoctoral research. Postdoctoral period has won China Postdoctoral Science Foundation funded second and Natural Science Foundation funding. 2012 University of Science and Technology of China Extraordinary Life Sciences Research Associate . Research results published on Nucleic Acids Res, Bioinformatics, Bioinformatics, J Biol Chem.
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