Team:NRP-UEA-Norwich/Notebook Protocols


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<h3 class="accordion-toggle"><i>E. coli</i> Electroporation Transformation</h3>
<h3 class="accordion-toggle"><i>E. coli</i> Electroporation Transformation</h3>
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             PROTOCOL HERE
             <h4>Aim: to get DNA expression in <I>E.coli</I>.</h4>
<li>Remove electrocompetent E.coli cells from the -80°C freezer and thaw on ice.</li>
<li>Add 5 µL of DNA and transfer to a clean 1m elcteroporation cuvette.</li>
<li>Electroporate cells at 1.8kV using a Bio-rad micropulser machine.</li>
<li>Add 500 µL of LB broth to the elctroporated cells and transfer to a clean 1.5 mL Eppendorf tube.</li>
<li>Incubate at 37°C with shaking for 1 hour. </li>
<li>Spread plate 100 µL onto plates containing the relevant antibiotics and incubate over night at 37°C. </li>

Revision as of 13:48, 17 October 2014

NRP UEA Norwich iGEM 2014

Lab Protocols

As students we have learnt many new skills and techniques whilst completing our iGEM project. We have documented the protocols we have used to successfully create a biosensor for plant pathogen interactions using Golden Gate Cloning.

GoldenGate Digestion-Ligation reaction (Level 1)

Aim: to form a level 1 construct (full transcriptional unit) from level 0 modules in a in a one-pot, one-step, digestion-ligation GoldenGate cloning reaction.

  • Add relevant DNA to a PCR tube at a 2:1 ratio of insert to acceptor (dilutions may be required depending on starting DNA concentration).
  • Add enzymes and reaction buffers according to the template shown below.
  • Make up the reaction mix to 15 µL using distilled water.

  • Reaction component Volume (µL)
    Level 1 acceptor Ratio 2:1 (Insert: acceptor)
    Insert 1 Ratio 2:1 (Insert: acceptor)
    Insert 2 Ratio 2:1 (Insert: acceptor)
    Insert 3 Ratio 2:1 (Insert: acceptor)
    T4 reaction buffer 1.5
    BSA buffer 1.5
    BsaI 0.5
    T4 DNA Ligase 0.5
    Distilled water Make up to 15 µL

  • Cycle the reaction mix in a PCR machine according to the program given below.

  • Step Temperature (°C) Time (minutes: seconds)
    1 37 0:20
    2* 37 3:00
    3* 16 4:00
    4 50 5:00
    5 80 5:00
    6 16

    *Steps 2-3 cycled x26

    GoldenGate Digestion-Ligation reaction (Level 2)

    Aim: to form a level 2, multigene construct from level 1 modules in a in a one-pot, one-step, digestion-ligation GoldenGate cloning reaction..

  • Add relevant DNA to a PCR tube at a 2:1 ratio of insert to acceptor (dilutions may be required depending on starting DNA concentration).
  • Add enzymes and reaction buffers according to the template shown below.
  • Make up the reaction mix to 15 µL using distilled water.

  • Reaction component Volume (µL)
    Level 1 acceptor Ratio 2:1 (Insert: acceptor)
    Insert 1 Ratio 2:1 (Insert: acceptor)
    Insert 2 Ratio 2:1 (Insert: acceptor)
    Insert 3 Ratio 2:1 (Insert: acceptor)
    T4 reaction buffer 1.5
    BSA buffer 1.5
    Bpi1 0.5
    T4 DNA Ligase 0.5
    Distilled water Make up to 15 µL

  • Cycle the reaction mix in a PCR machine according to the program given below.

  • Step Temperature (°C) Time (minutes: seconds)
    1 37 0:20
    2* 37 10:00
    3* 16 10:00
    4 37 10:00
    5 65 20:00
    6 16

    *Steps 2-3 cycled x3

    Making LB Agar


    Making LB broth


    E. coli Calcium Chloride Heat Shock Transformation

    Aim: to get DNA expression in E. coli.

    • Remove chemically competent E. coli (DH5-alpha) cells from the -80°C freezer and thaw on ice.
    • Take 1-2 µL of DNA and transfer into a clean 1.5 mL tube.
    • Add 50 µL of chemically competent E. coli to the DNA and incubate on ice for 30 mins.
    • Preheat water bath to 42°C.
    • Heat shock the DNA and E. coli tube for 30-60 sec (not more than 60 sec).
    • Transfer back onto ice for 5 mins.
    • Add 250-500 µL of LB broth to the tube and incubate at 370C with shaking for 2 hrs.
    • Spread plate 100 µL onto plates containing the relevant antibiotics and incubate over night at 37°C.

    E. coli Electroporation Transformation

    Aim: to get DNA expression in E.coli.

  • Remove electrocompetent E.coli cells from the -80°C freezer and thaw on ice.
  • Add 5 µL of DNA and transfer to a clean 1m elcteroporation cuvette.
  • Electroporate cells at 1.8kV using a Bio-rad micropulser machine.
  • Add 500 µL of LB broth to the elctroporated cells and transfer to a clean 1.5 mL Eppendorf tube.
  • Incubate at 37°C with shaking for 1 hour.
  • Spread plate 100 µL onto plates containing the relevant antibiotics and incubate over night at 37°C.
  • Making electrocompetent Agrobacterium tumefaciens(GV3101)


    Agrobacterium tumefaciens Electroporation Transformation


    Blue- White Selection

    Aim: to select colonies in which the lacZ has dropped out of the acceptor, indicating it has been replaced by the desired construct.

  • Spread plate 40 µL of XGAL (40 mg/ml)and 100 µL of IPTG (0.5mM) onto LB agar plates containing the relevant antibiotic*.
  • Leave to dry before plating 100 µL of E.coli containing the construct of interest.
  • Incubate at 37°C overnight
  • Pick white colonies- these should have taken up the plasmid of interest which replaces lacZ
  • Colony PCR

    Aim: to determine the size (bp) of the DNA expressed by the colony picked

    This helps us to check that the construct is what we expected.

    DNA mini-prep


    The following protocols were used with QIAGEN QIAprep miniprep kits.
    • Create an overnight culture- Pick a single colony from a freshly streaked selective plate and inoculate a culture of 1–5 ml LB medium containing the appropriate selective antibiotic. Incubate for 12–16 h at 37°C with shaking.
    • Centrifuge 1-5ml of overnight culture at >8000 for 3 minutes in an Eppendorf tube to form a bacterial pellet; discard the supernatant.
    • Re-suspend bacterial pellet in 250µl of P1 Buffer (kept at <5oC).
    • Add 250µl of P2 Buffer and invert 4-6 times to mix thoroughly. This reaction is left for no longer than 5 minutes before completing the next step.
    • Add 350µl of N3 Buffer and invert 4-6 times to mix thoroughly.
    • Centrifuge for 10 minutes at 13,000rpm
    • Decant supernatant into a spin column, centrifuge for 30-60 seconds, and discard the flow-through.
    • Add 750µl of PE Buffer to the spin column and centrifuge for 30-60 seconds to wash the DNA. Discard the flow-through and centrifuge for a further 1 minute to remove any remaining buffer.
    • Remove the top section of the spin column and place in a clean 1.5ml Eppendorf tube. Add 50µl of EB Buffer to the column; let it stand for 1 minute before centrifuging for a further 1 minute to elute the DNA.

    Preparation for sequencing

    Aim: to sequence our DNA in order to check content of our constructs

    • Add 5µl of DNA sample at a concentration of 80-100ng/µl of Plasmid DNA (Diluting with sterile water if Plasmid DNA is at a concentration greater than 100ng/µl) to two separate 1.5 ml Eppendorf tubes.
    • Add 5µl of primer 1 (Sense) to the first tube at a total concentration of 5µM (5pmol/µl) and 5µl of primer 2 (AntiSense) to the second tube (at a total concentration of 5µM (5pmol/µl)
    • Send off both 10µl samples for sequencing.

    Agrobacterium tumefaciens Infiltration


    Infiltration Analysis


    Making GoldenGate compatible PSB1C3 'Flipper'


    *Antibiotic Selection

    The following antibiotic concentrations have been used for antibiotic selection throughout the project. Antibiotics have been added to agar plates and overnight cultures in order to select for bacteria carrying the desired plasmid.

    Antibiotic Use Stock concentration µL/ mL required
    Chloramphenicol PSB1C3 constructs 33mg/ml 1.5
    Kanamycin Level 0 constructs 30mg/ml 1
    Carbenicillin Level 1 constructs 100mg/ml 1
    Ampicillin Level 1 constructs 100 mg/ml 1
    Spectinomycin Level 2 constructs
    Rifampicin Agrobacterium tumefaciens 10mg/ml 5
    Gentamicin Agrobacterium tumefaciens 10mg/ml 2

    A big thank you to our sponsors