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<p>The main problem of today's society is the transport and storage of electricity. It is tried to cover a high amount of required energy through regenerative sources like solar, photovoltaics, wind or geothermal energy. The problem of this source is fluctuating availability. To stay safe the most part is covered through traditional energy sources. This means that surplus of energy mainly consist of regenerative energy. The surplus of energy cannot be stored efficiently so that it is wasted. A further problem is that a part of the energy will be lost during the transport. For example the rotor of wind power stations is moved by the wind which converts wind energy into mechanical energy. This mechanical energy will be converted into electricity. The conversion of energy leads to a loss of energy. Only 45% of the original energy will get to the electrical network. <br>The percentage of regenerative energy as an electricity source increases in Germany over the last years continuously. Wind power is one third of this.<br>This leads to the fact that the new sources through regenerative energy cannot be used as effective as it might be able to.</p>
<p>The main problem of today's society is the transport and storage of electricity. It is tried to cover a high amount of required energy through regenerative sources like solar, photovoltaics, wind or geothermal energy. The problem of this source is fluctuating availability. To stay safe the most part is covered through traditional energy sources. This means that surplus of energy mainly consist of regenerative energy. The surplus of energy cannot be stored efficiently so that it is wasted. A further problem is that a part of the energy will be lost during the transport. For example the rotor of wind power stations is moved by the wind which converts wind energy into mechanical energy. This mechanical energy will be converted into electricity. The conversion of energy leads to a loss of energy. Only 45% of the original energy will get to the electrical network. <br>The percentage of regenerative energy as an electricity source increases in Germany over the last years continuously. Wind power is one third of this.<br>This leads to the fact that the new sources through regenerative energy cannot be used as effective as it might be able to.</p>
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      <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" width="650px"></a><br>
      <font size="1" style="text-align:center;">fig. x: Percentage of energy sources to the pool of regenerative sources.</font>
<h6>Possible applications</h6>
<h6>Possible applications</h6>
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The first application for the wind power station looks the most feasible one. If the system is installed at electric power transformation substations, unused energy could be taken for production. A large amount of regenerative energy is surplus. If there is a problem with the culture in the fermenter which leads to the cell death no isobutanol can be produced. In the first application, the problem can be solved because not the total volume of isobutanol is directly needed.<br>
The first application for the wind power station looks the most feasible one. If the system is installed at electric power transformation substations, unused energy could be taken for production. A large amount of regenerative energy is surplus. If there is a problem with the culture in the fermenter which leads to the cell death no isobutanol can be produced. In the first application, the problem can be solved because not the total volume of isobutanol is directly needed.<br>
Wind power for example is a seminal regenerative energy source. The number of wind power stations has increased throughout the last years.<br>
Wind power for example is a seminal regenerative energy source. The number of wind power stations has increased throughout the last years.<br>
<div class="element" style="margin:10px; padding:10px; text-align:center">
      <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" width="750px"></a><br>
      <font size="1" style="text-align:center;">fig. x: Development of wind engines from 1993 to 2014</font>
It has to be noted that the typical location of wind power stations shifted because of the technology development.<br>
It has to be noted that the typical location of wind power stations shifted because of the technology development.<br>
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Revision as of 20:08, 29 September 2014



For the purpose of thinking about application scenarios we get in contact with many different companies.
First of all we did some brainstorming about different possibilites for an application. After this we did some research about plausible ideas. We used this research as a base for our contact with different firms and persons.
As a background for all applications we first talked to Dr. Arnold Sauter who does research about technological impact assessment for the german Bundestag (TAB). He told us that red and white biotechnology as industrial application is routinely used and socially accepted in Germany for more than 20 years. Because of this and the fact that we use a closed system for fermentation our project may be applicable from the political side of view. As long as the bacterial culture is destroyed after fermentation the use of genetical modified organisms is not restricted.
With this background we workend on several application scenarios which we seperated into different categories. The categories are based on the differentiation of our modules: Electricity, carbon dioxide and isobutanol.

fig. 8: Scenario for industry

The main idea of our project is to store the energy which is produced at times of a day when too much energy is produced. For example there is an energy peak at night at wind parks which cannot be stored efficiently. This leads to our first application (Note for following application figures: yellow means electricity, gray means carbon dioxide, green means isobutanol). We think of combining our production system with a wind engine (figure 4). Energy can be used together with atmospheric carbon dioxide to produce a product which can be transported conventionally. This system is also possible for other energy production sites like hydroelectric power stations or solar energy electric power stations. Additionally we think of fabrication of isobutanol while driving. Organization and functioning is shown in figure 5. Solar panels or the current of the car battery can be used together with the exhaust fumes of the car to produce isobutanol. The isobutanol will be added drop by drop to the fuel to replace the gas. This will increase the range of milage. At the moment we establish a cooperation with car producer companies. This application might be also possible for ships (figure 6) or space stations (figure 7). The NASA already send bacteria to the space to do experiments with them. The advantage for the space station is that the anthropogenically produced carbon dioxide is used together with electricity produced by solar sails to generate a useful product. A third idea would be to mount our project on industrial production sites which could be for example a varnish producer. A main part of varnish is isobutanol. Industrial production leads to fumes where carbon dioxide could be extracted (figure 8). Together with electricity which is produced by solar panels isobutanol will be produced. Now we additionally think of more applications at sites with carbon dioxide excess which could be for example produced by the CCS (Carbon Capture & Storage) technology. This manifold application possibilities lead to many different personas.
The needed changes for our system seems big but to add the system to a wind engine nearly no changes are needed. It is simply possible to settle the production system next to the engines to produce isobutanol. It is also imaginable to integrate the system into the wind engine stem. An application at industrial production sites can be achieved as easy as for the wind engine. By adding a fermenter, containing our modified organisms, on the envelope of a space station it is possible to implement the system. A new construction plan has to be developed for cars or ships because the system has to be integrated into existing parts.

fig. 6: Scenario for ships

fig. 7: Scenario for space stations

fig. 8: Scenario for industry
Problem description

The main problem of today's society is the transport and storage of electricity. It is tried to cover a high amount of required energy through regenerative sources like solar, photovoltaics, wind or geothermal energy. The problem of this source is fluctuating availability. To stay safe the most part is covered through traditional energy sources. This means that surplus of energy mainly consist of regenerative energy. The surplus of energy cannot be stored efficiently so that it is wasted. A further problem is that a part of the energy will be lost during the transport. For example the rotor of wind power stations is moved by the wind which converts wind energy into mechanical energy. This mechanical energy will be converted into electricity. The conversion of energy leads to a loss of energy. Only 45% of the original energy will get to the electrical network.
The percentage of regenerative energy as an electricity source increases in Germany over the last years continuously. Wind power is one third of this.
This leads to the fact that the new sources through regenerative energy cannot be used as effective as it might be able to.

fig. x: Percentage of energy sources to the pool of regenerative sources.
Possible applications

fig. 1: Scenario for wind power station

With our project we engage these problems. We aim to store the surplus of energy by generating a product which can be combusted to produce energy again.
Our system relies on a fermenter in which bacteria grow by using electricity. The growth should be enhanced through the gain of reduction equivalents.
One application type we think of is the stationary application. With stationary application the size of the fermenter can be increased and the volume of generated product increases too. It makes sense to use sites where an surplus of energy arises. For example we are thinking of an application at wind power stations. Some of the produced energy could be used directly to produce more energy by the wind power station. It makes sense to hold the fermenter in operating state the whole time because there are some moments when the amount of surplus is very high. The problem is that the produced energy has a voltage of 10-30kV. To reduce the voltage transistors has to be built for each fermenter. The costs of this project will exceed each limit. A further development of this idea is to place our fermenter at electric power transformation substations. The needed transistors are already installed. The incoming regenerative energy would be used as the energy for the fermenter. A problem therefor is that we need continuous current for fermentation which is produced at the wind power engine but immediately transformed into alternating current.
The availability of energy through regenerative sources varies. The energy from regenerative sources in Bielefeld is never down regulated while regulation at coast regions is more common. This led to the idea to use small wind energy power engines. They have a height of 15-30 meters which results in a high sound annoyance. Until now they lack in a real application. Maybe they are a plausible base for our fermentation system.

fig. 3: Scenario for house

A second application scenario is to install our fermenter at anybody’s home. Many houses already produce regenerative energy through photovoltaic panels on the roofs. The problem of this production is that the whole amount of produced energy cannot be used by the occupants itself. Most of the energy will be delivered to electric power transformation substations. It would make sense to store the energy at home where it is produced. Therefor the fermenter would be placed in the cellar. The produced isobutanol could be extracted and stored. Applications for the isobutanol at home could be various. For example it could be added to electric machines like lawn-movers or used as an addition for the fuel of the car. Additionally isobutanol might be used as a heating substance.

fig. 2: Scenario for industry

The third application for stationary application would be at industrial production sites where isobutanol is needed. The fermenter would be placed directly on the premises. Photovoltaics would feed the bacteria in the fermenter which generate isobutanol for the productions of the company.


An application at home seems plausible for users of photovoltaics. The problem might be the implementation of the whole system. The heating system has to be changed to isobutanol. This leads to a dependency on the fermenter. If a problem leads to cell death of the culture in the fermenter the heating system fails.
The application for industrial production sites sounds very inefficient at this stage of development. Presumably the isobutanol is much cheaper to buy for the company than to build up a large fermenter which makes the company dependent.
The first application for the wind power station looks the most feasible one. If the system is installed at electric power transformation substations, unused energy could be taken for production. A large amount of regenerative energy is surplus. If there is a problem with the culture in the fermenter which leads to the cell death no isobutanol can be produced. In the first application, the problem can be solved because not the total volume of isobutanol is directly needed.
Wind power for example is a seminal regenerative energy source. The number of wind power stations has increased throughout the last years.

fig. x: Development of wind engines from 1993 to 2014
It has to be noted that the typical location of wind power stations shifted because of the technology development.

fig. x: Distribution of the Germany-wide Cumulative Capacity across the Regions, Status: 31 December 2013 (
The increasing number of wind power stations and the increasing capacities result in a huge gain of capacity in megawatt.

fig. x: Development of the Average Capacity of Land-based WTG’s Erected and Cumulatively Present in the Turbine Portfolio in Germany, Status: 31 December 2013 (

fig. x: Development of the Annual Installed and Cumulative Capacity (MW) from Land-based Wind Energy in Germany, Status: 31 December 2013 (
For the future several plans were made to invest more time and money in wind power stations. The building of offshore wind parks will hardly increase in the next years which results in an increase of available energy.
In addition the development of the different states shows that more wind power stations will be build throughout the next years.

fig. x: Addition to Wind Energy in the German States, Status: 31 December 2013 (