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Revision as of 22:40, 13 October 2014

This project would not have been possible without the generous help and advice from many great people and organizations. We thank all the partners listed below for their essential contributions and financial support that covered registration fees, travel costs, the organization of the meetup in September, laboratory materials and expenses for services and materials.


Bürgerstiftung Aachen
Genscript Labomedic Niersverband
m2p labs Carl Roth pro RWTH
Institute of Applied Microbiology - iAMB Institute for Molecular Biotechnology Helmholtz Association - Initiative on Synthetic Biology
Aachen Biology and Biotechnology - ABBt Forschungszentrum Jülich

Scientific Support


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lars M. Blank

RWTH Institute for Applied Microbiology (iAMB)

Prof. Blank focuses his research on fundamental and applied aspects of microbial metabolism. Of specific interest is the interaction between the metabolic network and the introduced genetic and environmental perturbations. The research on in silico/in vivo metabolic network operations is aimed at a deeper understanding of cell function, with the ultimate goal of rational cell engineering.

In his teaching, Prof. Blank focuses on the integration of biological concepts with the tools from bioinformatics and engineering. He believes that a sound knowledge base in life sciences is the key for creative and thus successful work in the areas of Metabolic Engineering and Synthetic Biology. Read more about Prof. Blank's work on the [ iAMB's website].

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wiechert

Forschungszentrum Jülich, Institute of Bio- and Geosciences (IGB-1)

Prof. Wiechert's main area of work lies within the field of applied systems bio(techno)logy of microorganisms with a special focus on methodological developments for quantitative biology. Characteristics of his research work are a close integration of experimental and theoretical work within multi disciplinary projects. As the head of the Systems Biotechnology research division at Forschungszentrum Jülich, he is developing methods for quantitative metabolomics, fluxomics and proteomics including model based mathematical methods for experimental design, parameter estimation, and process optimization in biotechnological systems. Future work will also incorporate micro fluidic methods for single cell analysis. In general, all research results are used to drive forward the process of gaining knowledge in the course of an iterative improvement of industrial production systems. This proceeds in close cooperation of all working groups at the IBG-1. Together with industrial partners also diverse examples from industry are investigated and further developed. Read more about Prof. Wiechert's work on the [ IBG-1 website].

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schwaneberg

RWTH Institute for Biotechnology, Leibniz Institute for Interactive Materials (DWI)

The Schwaneberg Group seeks to be at the research frontier in the interdisciplinary field of directed protein evolution by developing novel methods for generating diversity at the gene level, analyzing consequence of mutational biases on the protein level and developing novel high-throughput screening systems that will ultimately lead to tailored-biocatalysts for significant applications in industry. They train students in the cutting edge technologies of laboratory evolution, biocatalyst engineering and high throughput screening methodologies. The Schwaneberg Group believes in integrating fundamental principles of protein design with environmental awareness in their research and seeks to promote international scientific collaborations. Read more about Prof. Schwaneberg and his work on the [ Schwaneberg Group's website].


A core concept of iGEM is the collaboration within an interdisciplinary student team. Accordingly, students of different age, gender and field of study came together to found our team in Aachen, in order to realize our project with joint forces and enthusiasm for the overall goal. Working closely together, we therefore not only have the chance to learn from each other, but also to excel ourselves. Using our collective creativity and common responsibility, we will create something special in order to make our contribution to synthetic biology.

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