Team:UI-Indonesia/Log Book/Safety
Biobrick Safety
All parts that we use belonged to risk group 1, except for peptide 1018 which categorized as another risk group. This innate defense regulator peptide is a synthetic cationic peptide, derived from human cathelicidin LL-37 and bovine peptide indolicin. Fortunately, this peptide has been proven as a biofilm inhibitory compound and also antimicrobial peptide. This peptide is not toxic for human, but toxic for both grams of bacteria. We obtained the synthetized peptide from IDT in the form of GBlocks.
As for the target organism, we used E. coli (risk group 1) and Bacillus substilis (risk group 1); also several pathogenic bacteria such as Vibrio cholera (risk group 2), Klebsiella pneumonia (risk group 2), Staphylococcus aureus (risk group 2), and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (risk group 2).1,2
We are also aware of the potential infection of diarrhea and pneumonia, so we used proper equipment, such as gloves, googles, and gown; also works inside Biosafety Cabinet (BSC) inside Biosafety Level 2 room.
Researcher Safety
One of the requirements to join the lab work is Biosafety and Biosecurity Training, conducted by Institute of Human Virology and Cancer Biology Universitas Indonesia. During the training, we learned about general laboratory safety, incident and accident response, spill response, decontamination, sterilization, standard operational procedure (SOP) of waste management, SOP of proteomic laboratory, hazardous chemical agents, and SOP of molecular laboratory. Cloning procedure are conducted inside a separated DNA room and limited for two until three people from iGEM team to enter at once. For protocols involving toxic or mutagenic substances, such as chloroform for genomic DNA extraction, we do that inside the fume hood.
Environmental Safety
We ensure that no mutagenic biological product leaked into the environment by soaking the waste in 10% bleach for twenty minutes then autoclaved. After that, all of the materials then incinerated. Our lab also have a special waste disposal and management.
University Safety
Our safety protocol is under Government Regulation No.21 of 2005 on Biosafety of Genetically Engineered Product and Presidential Decree No.39 of 2010 on Biosafety Comission of Genetically Engineered Product.