Crispr-X Android App Manual
1. Layout
i. Main Panel:
Click the button on the lower left corner “Def”, which means selecting the option by default. Then click “Submit”, you will receive an ID number, then the software will automatically run in the backstage.
ii. Advanced panel:
Click “Adv”, which contains the RFC standard selection (default is selecting all), designated gRNA area (default is all), the length of gRNA (default is 20nt) and the ratio of specificity and activity (default is 65:35).
iii. Result Panel:
In the results screen, with the top of the strip shows the information of specified area (gray stands for intergenic region, red stands for introns region, green stands for exons region, yellow stands for utr region), on the left is the list of gRNA sequence (ranking from highest to lowest according to the scores). Click on any one of gRNA, its location information on one hand can be seen through the above strip, on the other hand can also be seen on the right. The right side shows the gRNA scoring information, as well as its off-target sequence and the subtracted scores.
Besides, if you want to view information about the secondary structure, GC proportion and restriction enzyme cleavage sites of this gRNA, you need to slide the lower right corner ,then click the "More" button.
2. Submit, check results and view history
To submit, you just fill the Request Information Panel and click the Submit Button.
You should fill Target Genome and PAM. And you should choose only one to fill from gene, Local Tag and Sequence.
You can choose advanced options by clicking Advanced Button.
After submit, you can use ID Search Button to check the result or go to User Panel and use Submit History List to check submits History.
3.Sign in & sign up
You just click the Sign in Button to sign up and sign in.
To sign up, a username, a password and an email box is the only things you will need. If sign up failed, maybe the username you chosen has be used.
To sign in, you just type your username and password, and click Login Button. After sign in, the words ‘Log in’ will be change to your username.
Crispr-X Desktop App Manual
1. Layout
i. Main Panel
ii. Advanced panel
iii. User Panel
2. Submit, check results and view history
To submit, you just fill the Request Information Panel and click the Submit Button.
You should fill Target Genome and PAM. And you should choose only one to fill from gene, Local Tag and Sequence.
You can choose advanced options by clicking Advanced Button.
After submit, you can use ID Search Button to check the result or go to User Panel and use Submit History List to check submits History.
3. Sign in & sign up
You just click the Sign in Button to sign up and sign in.
To sign up, a username, a password and an email box is the only things you will need. If sign up failed, maybe the username you chosen has be used.
To sign in, you just type your username and password, and click Login Button. After sign in, the words ‘Log in’ will be change to your username.
4. Upload your specific specie sequence
You need to click the User Panel Button enter the User Panel.
You should add files respectively by the Add Button. After adding, click the Upload button to upload those files. If all files upload succeed, click the Submit Button to finally import data to database.
Once you submit succeed, you will see your new specie in Available Specie List and Target Genome Drop-down box in Main Panel.