Team:Tsinghua/Human practice


Human Practice


Team Tsinghua is aware of the troubling knowledge/information discrepancies between biological engineers and the general public. As part of our Human Practice project, members of Team Tsinghua went above and beyond to reach out to the general public.

Click on any of the icons below to access our Human Practice records.

The Future of Synthetic Biology

We talked to 30 smart young students from The High School attached to Tsinghua University about iGEM , synthetic biology , and all the fun/cool/awesome things one could do with genes, microbes, and more. In exchange we asked them for their creative ideas on "What You Think Synthetic Biology Can Achieve". Many chose to express their ideas in beautiful illustrations.

Check out The Gallery to see their creations and their thoughts on synthetic biology.

Reaching out to Fellow Scholars

During the past year members of Team Tsinghua talked to many fellow scholars and experts about our project, and the collective effort of iGEM participants to make synthetic biologist as fun as it should be. We held seminars, discussed our ideas with doctors specializing in diabetes treatment, and more.

Read the Outreach section to find out more!

"Virus" - the Short Movie

When we talked to non-biologists about using a virus to cure disease, not many could wrap their heads around the notion, and one even responded, in full shock, "WHAT? Using a VIRUS to CURE disease?"

We realized that not everyone is aware that there are actually "good" viruses that can serve humanity in ways more than one. We decided to make a video dedicated to explaining to the general public both sides to the virus story.

Check out this short movie: "Virus". It is super informative and fun!