

Team SUSTC-Shenzhen


Elements of the endeavor.

Struggles I for the first-time construction of 5X-UAS -mCherry-pX330 & 7X -UAS-mCherry-pX330


To save these terrible situations, on the one hand, we performed heat-inactivation for the rest of ligation reaction II (about 10.6ul), and then, transformed bacteria with the ligation reaction II again. On the other hand, we still picked up 4 colonies from each undigested plates (transformed with ligation reaction I), hoping to catch a successful ligated one.

Part A: newly transformed group after heat-inactivation


The rest of ligation reaction II (about 10.6ul) The usual things needed for transformation


a. Heat-inactivation
Heat at 70C, 10min
b. Transformation
Performed as protocol…
[10ul DNA to 100ul competent cell]


Fortunately, for the newly transformed group, there were around 7~10 colonies appearing on the 5XUAS+Cherry-pX330 plate, while only one grew on the 5XUAS+GAL4-mCherry-pX330 plate.

Part B: randomly selected 8 monoclones


TIANprep Plasmid Kit
Enzyme: AgeI, EcoRI
Buffer:Buffer2.1, Cutsmart Buffer


a. Randomly picked up 8 monocolones on each control plate & Incubation overnight 200rpm, 37C, overnight
b. Plasmid purification for the 8 colonies
Performed as protocol
c. Verification with EcoRI & AgeI

Digestion system (unit: ul )

DNA EcoRI/AgeI/A+E Buffer H2O Total
0.5 0.5/0.5/(0.5+0.5=1) 1 8/7.5 10

ncubate at 37C for 4 hours


Assumption :
Successful situations:
EcoRI site was eliminated. [filled with MfeI]
Plasmid has no change when digested with E only. [the same as original plasmid]
Plasmid became linearized when digested with A+E. [the same as digested with A only]
Failed situation:
EcoRI site still exists.
Plasmid became linearized when digested with E only. [the same as digested with A only]
Plasmid was cut into two fragments by A & E. [the small one is around 800bp]
Actual results:


Obviously, M+U 2 group matched all the successful items listed above, while the other three groups appeared failed.

Therefore, now we have got one successful 5XUAS+Cherry-pX330 monoclone [named M+U2].



Apparently, all of the four monoclones haven’t been inserted with 5X-UAS, thus failed.

Maintained by the iGEM team SUSTC-Shenzhen.

Licensed under CC BY 4.0.