

Notebook / Locate GFP and the CBD

Here we list all the steps that were required to locate the cellulose binding domain (CBD) within the cell using GFP as a marker.

ONC = overnight culture ; CBD = Cellulose binding domain ; IPG = Institute for plant genetics ; OD = optical density ; PCR = Polymerase chain reaction ; RT = room temperature ; T4MBP = Top 4 metal binding protein ; EMP = Exponential Megapriming PCR ; GFP = Green fluorescent protein





short summary

09-Sept-2014 Fabian, Anke Biophysics confocal microscopy microscopy of transformed B. sinuspersici and N. tabacum (04-Sept-2014)
04-Sept-2014 Fabian Botany transient plant transformation A. tumefaciens mediated transformation of B. sinuspersici (vacuum ilfiltration) and N. tabacum (leaf infiltration): used constructs: pORE_Expa~GFP~CBD, pEarley103_GFP, pEarley103_Plasmamembranemarker
01-Sept-2014 Fabian, Steffen, Anke, Andreas Biophysics confocal microscopy microscopy of transformed B. sinuspersici and N. tabacum (transformation date: 29-Aug-2014)
29-Aug-2014 Fabian Botany transient plant transformation A. tumefaciens mediated transformation of B. sinuspersici (vacuum infiltration) and N. tabacum (leaf infiltration): used constructs: pORE_Expa~GFP~CBD, pEarley103_GFP, pEarley103_Plasmamembranemarker
22-Aug-2014 Fabian Botany colony-PCR colony-PCR using E. coli colonies (20-Aug-2014) and primer 11 (Botany) and 1261: 15 positive clones/ ONC of 3 of 15 positives clones
21-Aug-2014 Fabian Botany cloning Expa~GFP~CBD into pORE purification of PCR-product (19-Aug-2014)/ restriction digest of PCR-product and pORE E3 2x35S with BamHI and MluI/ gelextraction of digested vector and PCR-product/ ligation for 1 h/ transformation of XL1-Blue Competent Cells via heat-shock/ selection on kanamycin
19-Aug-2014 Fabian Botany Phusion PCR Phusion PCR using Expa~GFP~CBD-sequence from EMP as template
08-Aug-2014 Andreas IPG plasmid-isolation isolation of pORE-E3 for future cloning and EMP_in_pMA_Colony1 for sequencing
07-Aug-2014 Andreas IPG colony-PCR although colony-PCR (F1+R1) confirmed insertion of GFP: another primer set (1101 and 625, IPG) targeting the backbone of pMA did not bind in the colony, but showed an unexpected amplificate length of ~1200 bp in the negative control (expected for pMA: ~1600 bp)
05-Aug-2014 Andreas IPG cellulose-bound-protein GFP_in_pMA_EMP2 repetition of EMP-PCR(2) reaction mix no. 2 (protocol of Anke): gel confirmed the correct fragment length/ purification using the „Wizard-Kit“/ phosphorylation/ ligation overnight according to Anke's protocol
25-July-2014 Anke IPG colony-PCR of EMP2-transformation.v2 colony-PCR with primer 1011 and 625 (IPG) and 10 new colonies: poor results
23-July-2014 Anke IPG colony-PCR of EMP2-transformation.v1 colony-PCR with primer 1011 and 625 (IPG): poor results
22-July-2014 Anke IPG transformation of E. coli with EMP2 transformation of XL1-Blue Competent Cells
21-July-2014 Anke, Andreas IPG EMP2 GFP screening the functional amount of megaprimer with and without F1: 20 ng megaprimer + F1 + R2
18-July-2014 Anke IPG EMP1 GFP EMP1 with F1, R2 and GFP-vector to generate megaprimer: fine result