

October 6 - October 10
New L. lactis NZ9000 with pNZ8048g were grew overnight in Chemically Defined Medium (CDM), and freeze dried the next day for several OD600 values
One of the freeze dried samples was resuspended in 1 mL demi water to check for viability
The resuspended cells were inoculated in CDM in a 1:100 ratio and grown overnight at 200 rpm and 30 C
This week new cultures were grown for freeze drying. This was done to test the growth in chemically defined medium (CDM), which is the medium that will be used in the final bandage. Cultures with several OD600 values were freeze dried in 5 ml samples. Unfortunately the freeze drying machine could only be used on the 9th of October. Samples were taken from the machine on the 10th of October and one of the samples was resuspended in 1 ml demi water to check for viability. The resuspended cells were inoculated in CDM in a 1:100 ratio and grown overnight at 200 rpm and 30 °C